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Argentina: Floods - June 2023, Operational Update MDRAR019


Description of the Event

What happened, where and when?

On 29 May, the Undersecretary of Emergencies and Civil Protection of the Municipality of Quilmes formally requested support from the Argentine Red Cross to assist families affected by flash floods in the municipality of Quilmes, province of Buenos Aires. Consequently, on 6 June, the National Society launched this DREF Operation to support people affected in La Matera and Bernal Oeste neighborhoods, two of the neighborhoods most affected by the emergency.

On 24 June, the National Meteorological Service of Argentina issued a red alert in its early warning system for the Province of Neuquén. The forecasts predicted over 200 mm of rainfall in high mountain regions and more than 90 mm in various areas of the province due to the advancement of low-pressure systems originating from the Pacific Ocean.

On 26 June, the forecast materialized and intense storms were recorded across the province of Neuquén leading to a significant increase in water flow within several river basins. These rainfalls surpassed the historical records of the last 10 years, particularly in the Neuquén and Curi Leuvú river basins.

On 28 June, the Argentine Red Cross received a new formal request from the government to support families affected by recent flooding in the Province of Neuquén, situated approximately 1,000 km away from the Province of Buenos Aires.

As of 5 July, over 20 localities have experienced the impact of the hydro-meteorological event, compounded by pre-existing vulnerabilities stemming from their geographical location. The northern part of the province has witnessed a return to normal river conditions. However, in the central and southern regions, water flows remain high and continue to rise, leading to ongoing emergency situations. Consequently, the Argentine Red Cross has maintained its emergency category 1 status, which was declared on 28 June.

Currently, certain localities are still experiencing milder rainfall. Moreover, there are forecasts for new storms in the upcoming weeks, with expected accumulated rainfall ranging between 20 and 30 mm, although localized areas may exceed these values. This situation is compounded by the typical seasonal weather patterns of the Patagonian region, characterized by strong and cold winter winds. This effect is particularly pronounced in the Cordillera and Pre-cordillera, where dry conditions and low temperatures persist for the majority of the year, often reaching freezing averages. Additionally, snowfall accumulation between 20 and 30 cm is anticipated. In lower-altitude areas, precipitation may manifest as rain or a mix of rain and snow.