5/10/11 1:06 PM
Luanda – The World Health Organization (WHO) will deliver on Wednesday, in Luanda, to the Health Ministry equipment of diverse types.
According to a note from the WHO, sent to ANGOP this Tuesday, the interventions to be made by the Health Ministry with the use of the donated equipment will receive the assistance of the European Union, the Spanish Cooperation and the African Programme for Control of Onchocerciasis (River Blindness).
The handover ceremony of the material will take place in the premises of the National Directorate for Public Health.
The donation includes vehicles to support the fight against Onchocerciasis in the provinces of Uije and Kwanza Norte, as well as 24 municipal health libraries.
The various materials are also intended to support the joint programme of Nutrition and Food Security for children under the age of five in the province of Cunene, which brings together the WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and other governmental sectors.