In Numbers*
- 2.2 million people in need of assistance due to the El Niño-induced drought
- 105.9 mt of food assistance provided through nutrition assistance and commodity voucher interventions*
- US$ 5.2 million six-month (October 2024 – March 2025) net funding requirements
- 16,008 people reached in September 2024
Emergency Response
El Niño Response - Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) Programme
• As part of its El Niño response efforts, WFP, in collaboration with the Provincial and Municipal Health Directorates of Cunene and Huíla and WFP cooperating partner, World Vision International, continued to provide nutrition assistance to malnourished children. In September, 5,544 children under 5 diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) received nutritional support, with WFP distributing 14.8 mt of Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food .
• WFP also provided food vouchers to families of acutely malnourished children under the CMAM programme. During the first distribution cycle in September, 10,464 people (51 percent women) in Huíla and Cunene provinces received vouchers, which were exchanged for food baskets consisting of maize meal, beans, vegetable oil, and sugar. A total of 91.1 mt of these commodities were distributed.
Refugee Response
• In September, WFP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Angola, and other partners, organized a training course on fish and fruit farming. Participants included members of the Association of Young Producers of Lunda Norte, technicians from the Provincial Directorates of Agriculture and Fisheries from Lunda Norte, and WFP staff. The training focused on improving the knowledge and skills of participants and fostering sustainable practices. The course integrated theoretical lessons with practical activities and field visits, enabling participants to observe fish farming and fruit production techniques firsthand.
School Feeding
• WFP continued to provide technical support to the Multisectoral Interministerial Committee, composed of representatives from the Ministries of Finance,
Planning, Education, Agriculture, Health and Social Affairs, Family, and Women’s Promotion, in the redesign of the National School Feeding and Nutrition Programme. The revised school feeding programme document has been finalized and is pending the approval of the Council of Ministers.
Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM)
• WFP continued to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MINAGRIF) and the National Institute of Statistics on the food security and nutrition assessment. The assessment covered 21 municipalities in the six provinces most impacted by the El Niño-induced drought: Benguela,
Namibe, Huíla, Cunene, Moxico, and Cuando Cubango. In September, following the completion of the data collection phase, WFP and partners supported the MINAGRIF with data cleaning and processing in preparation for the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis workshop, which is expected to take place in November/December 2024.
Service Provision - Last-Mile Delivery of Medical Supplies
• In September, WFP delivered 152.8 m3 of medical products for the prevention and treatment of malaria, tuberculosis, HIV and long-lasting insecticidal nets to 210 health facilities in Cuanza Sul province. This effort is part of the Last-Mile Delivery (LMD) project, which is funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and implemented in collaboration with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Health.
• In September, WFP established a new partnership with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In collaboration with the Provincial Governments, WFP is supporting JICA with the distribution of medical and non-medical equipment from the Central Procurement Agency for Medicines and Medical Supplies Central Medical Store (CECOMA) warehouse in Luanda to the provincial warehouses in Huíla and Huambo. This initiative aims to strengthen health service delivery and improve maternal and child health.
Resource Outlook
• WFP operations in Angola continue to face critical funding shortfalls. WFP Angola urgently requires US$ 5.2 million to sustain all its operations between October 2024 and March 2025.