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Angola + 1 more

WFP Angola Country Brief, October 2024


In Numbers

2.2 million people in need of assistance due to the El Niño-induced drought

326.4 mt of food assistance provided through in-kind and nutrition assistance and commodity voucher interventions

USD 28.2 million six-month (November 2024 – April 2025) net funding requirements

14,772 beneficiaries reached in October 2024

Emergency Response

El Niño Response

  • WFP assisted 1,508 children under 5 diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in Huíla and Cunene provinces, two of the hardest hit by the El Niño-induced drought, under the community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) programme in October. WFP distributed 14.1 mt of specialized nutritious foods to meet their nutritional needs. In addition, WFP provided commodity vouchers to 7,030 household members living with these children. In total, 231.3 mt of food commodities were provided.
  • WFP participated in a joint mission with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training to Huíla province from 9 to 11 October. The highlight was the inauguration of the solar systems for resilient agriculture and vocational training in Matala and Humpata municipalities. The events were hosted by UNDP and had the participation of local government authorities. This mission aimed to strengthen collaboration between WFP, UNDP, and government entities and explore opportunities to enhance livelihoods, resilience, and environmental sustainability of drought-affected communities.

Refugee Response

  • WFP continues to provide food assistance to ensure refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo residing in the Lóvua refugee settlement in Lunda Norte province are able to meet their basic food and nutrition needs. In October, 6,234 refugees received food baskets containing maize meal, pulses, vegetable oil, and salt. WFP distributed a total of 81 mt of food commodities to these beneficiaries.
  • WFP, in collaboration with the Provincial Agriculture Department and University José Eduardo dos Santos, completed the second phase of the beekeeping training benefiting 44 participants from both the refugee and local communities in October. WFP also celebrated the first harvest of organic honey. The beekeeping project aims to create new opportunities and foster economic integration while preserving food systems, and the environment.
  • WFP and UNHCR organized a joint visit to Lunda Norte with representatives from other UN agencies from 2 to 4 October. The aim was to strengthen inter-agency collaboration and explore opportunities for joint fundraising, advocacy, and programming.
  • WFP and UNHCR hosted a 3-day mission from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Angola and representatives from the Embassy of Japan. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the refugee response operation in Lunda Norte province, the delegation held meetings with local authorities and refugee leaders and visited the Lóvua refugee settlement and WFP and UNHCR’s projects, including livelihood activities jointly implemented by the two agencies.