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WFP Angola Country Brief, December 2024


Operational Updates

El Niño Response

WFP in December provided nutrition assistance to approximately 2,100 children aged 6 - 59 months and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBWG) in Huíla and Cunene provinces, two of the most impacted by the El Niño-induced drought, as part of the Community- Based Management of Acute Malnutrition programme. WFP distributed approximately 7.7 metric tons of specialized nutritious foods to meet their nutritional requirements.

WFP and its cooperating partner – World Vision International (WVI) – carried out a refreshment training for 12 community health workers on early detection, prevention, and supplementation of acute malnutrition for PBWG, good infant and young child feeding practices and commodity vouchers.

WFP conducted a joint mission with the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), UNICEF, and WVI to assess the progress of USAID/BHA-funded projects in southern Angola. The delegation held institutional meetings with government authorities, conducted visits to health facilities, and observed community-based nutrition screenings, training of CHWs and cooking demonstrations.

Refugee Response

In collaboration with UNHCR, WFP started the development of a targeting strategy for the refugee response operation in Lunda Norte. The aim is to classify households based on the level of vulnerability, scale up livelihood support as an alternative to food assistance by setting up prioritization criteria, and ensure that WFP’s limited resources are used effectively to meet the needs