UNICEF launched in January 2005 its Humanitarian Action Report (HAR) in favour of 33 countries in crisis, including all CAP countries.
The following is an update on the funding situation in each of the HAR countries. The appeal figures are the original HAR appeals, and wherever the HAR appeal has been raised in light of an aggravating emergency situation or crisis, this has been noted in the text. The funding status (1) of these countries should then be seen in light of their increased humanitarian needs.
Eastern and Southern Africa
Angola requested US$ 27,050,000, US$ 3,772,440 were received. Almost half of Angola's children are out of school, 45 per cent suffer chronic malnutrition and a quarter of children die before their fifth birthday. - 14%
Burundi requested US$ 20,882,159, US$ 4,903,400 were received. Burundi has been in civil conflict for more than a decade which has gravely worsened the well-being of children. Positive moves towards peace and return of displaced populations could help improve the situation of children if funds were available. - 23%
Eritrea requested US$ 13,090,772, US$ 3,160,021 were received. Eritrea is currently experiencing one of its worst droughts recorded in recent history, leading to malnutrition, drying up of water sources and wells and the death of livestock. - 24%
Ethiopia requested US$ 38,254,900, US$ 15,122,890 were received. Ethiopia has been hit by drought and by floods, leaving millions without adequate food, water and medical attention. The appeal for Ethiopia was raised to US $ 54,691,401 on 4 May 2005, due to the rapid increase in malnutrition rates. - 28%
Lesotho requested US$ 1,515,000, nothing was received. Progress made in human development and poverty alleviation over the past decades is being rapidly reversed by one of the most severe HIV/AIDS pandemics in the world. National prevalence rates are estimated at 31 per cent and over 40 per cent in the capital district of Maseru. - 0%
Malawi requested US$ 3,292,800, nothing was received. Malawi, which is already struggling with an extremely high prevalence of HIV/AIDS (16.4 % of population aged 15 to 49) is currently facing a food crisis which strikes women and children particularly hard. The appeal for Malawi has therefore been increased to US$ 4,601,576. - 0%
Mozambique requested US$ 8,970,000, nothing was received. Mozambique has one of the highest child mortality rates in the world. One out of four children dies before reaching age five. In addition, Mozambique is now also one of the countries in the world most affected by HIV/AIDS. - 0%
Somalia requested US$ 15,512,000, US$ 7,431,253 were received. For a Somali child, the chances of surviving are among the lowest in the world, with basic services almost never available in a country which has been in conflict for years, and without government. The current peace process and transitional government could be favourable to children with the support of the international community. - 48%
Sudan requested US$ 288,903,945, US$ 88,729,470 were received. Following the peace agreement signed on 9 January this year, Southern Sudan has seen a general de-escalation of violence, but with increasing problems of attacks on communities by the LRA and local rebel groups. The situation in Darfur is in many aspects the world's worst humanitarian crisis. A major effort is needed here but funds are lacking for most of the non-food items, for water and sanitation, education and protection of children. - 31%
Swaziland requested US$ 6,135,000, nothing was received. The current food crisis in Swaziland has precipitated a humanitarian emergency that is having a particularly severe impact on women, children, the elderly and those orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. - 0%
Tanzania requested US$ 5,260,000, US$ 2,358,347 were received. Tanzania continues to host the largest refugee population in Africa while suffering in some areas severe food shortages. While the prospect of peace in neighbouring Burundi and DRC are causes for optimism and return of refugees, the local hosting communities continue to lag behind in most national development indicators. The number of AIDS orphans is estimated at more than 2 million children. - 42%
Uganda requested US$ 28,493,180, US$ 22,359,721 were received. On 16 June, the HAR appeal was adjusted upwards to US$ 40,408,781 to meet the requirements of 1.4 million IDPs (80% children and women) currently affected by the ongoing conflict between the government and LRA. - 55%
Zambia requested US$ 4,105,000, nothing was received. An estimated 2.3 million people are in need of emergency aid, as reduced crop yields and cereal harvests due to prolonged dry spells have affected over half of Zambia's provinces. The HIV prevalence rate across the country is estimated at more than 20 per cent throughout the country. However the prevalence rate is as high as 30 per cent in some urban areas. - 0%
Zimbabwe requested US$ 7,500,000, US$ 1,630,750 were received. Zimbabwe is enduring the country's worst humanitarian situation since independence a quarter of a century ago, with the HIV/AIDS pandemic; declining economic performance; political polarization, unfavourable environmental conditions (drought and other natural phenomena); policy constraints, limited donor support for development programmes; and depleted capacity in the social service sectors. This has led to the world's fastest rise in child mortality. - 22%
West and Central Africa
Central African Republic requested US$ 6,871,334, US$ 1,415,566 were received. The main social indicators regarding children and women, namely under-five child mortality, maternal mortality, malnutrition and HIV/AIDS prevalence, have been deteriorating markedly in recent years. Despite the democratic elections, most of the social services remain inaccessible to the rural populations which were severely affected by the political-military crisis and rebellion in 2002-2003. - 21%
Chad requested US$ 18,271,802, US$ 13,101,216 were received. The situation for children in Eastern Chad, whether they are refugees from Darfur or children from host communities, remains extremely precarious, particularly in the fields of health, nutrition, water and sanitation, education and protection. - 72%
Côte d'Ivoire requested US$ 17,267,385, US$ 3,528,898 were received. The ongoing civil unrest continues to have a negative impact on children. Basic services are often not accessible anymore while drop-out rates from the education system are increasing. - 20%
Democratic Republic of the Congo requested US$ 34,620,414, US$ 17,833,612 were received. The civil war that has engulfed the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to gravely affect the well-being of children throughout the country, and especially in Eastern Congo. An estimated 3.3 million Congolese have lost their lives by having little or no access to basic life-saving services. - 52%
Guinea requested US$ 8,311,136, US$ 1,702,270 were received. Despite the absence of war or natural disasters, there is an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Guinea. The regional insecurity has meant that Guinea has hosted 1 million refugees over the last then years, while the local authorities have been unable to provide basic social services to children. - 20%
Liberia requested US$ 30,313,000, US$ 5,893,860 were received. The children of Liberia are in a very vulnerable situation, facing food insecurity, HIV/AIDS and sexual violence, as well as lack of access to the most basic services. After many years of internal conflict, all has to be rebuilt, re-established, recreated to give children better chances, and to reintegrate children who were associated with fighting forces. - 20%
Republic of the Congo requested US$ 4,245,030, US$ 776,290 were received. The situation of the children in the Pool region remains worrying in spite of progressive return to civil peace. Only 35 per cent of health centres have reopened, less than 11 per cent of the population has access to safe water, and almost 80 per cent of the school infrastructure is destroyed. - 18%
Sierra Leone requested US$ 3,600,000, the total amount was received. Ravaged by more than 10 years of conflict, Sierra Leone remains the poorest country in the world, with also the highest child and maternal mortality rates. Efforts for children in access to health, water and sanitation and in education are essential for the future of this country. - 100%
Other countries and territories
Afghanistan requested US$ 81,450,000, US$ 2,131,879 were received. The most acute threats to children today are the frequent natural disasters, such as floods, drought, and earthquakes, but also the forced repatriation of people from Iran and Pakistan, as well as continuing and increasing instances of violence in the run-up to the parliamentary elections later in the year. In the meantime, women and children continue to suffer some of the worst development indicators in the world, including child and maternal mortality rates, lack of access to safe water and to school equipment despite the growing demand. - 3%
Chechnya and neighbouring republics requested US$ 6,565,500, US$ 6,005,641 were received. Much of Chechnya's social and physical infrastructure remains destroyed, while a large number of people still are internally displaced or refugees in the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia. Children are the first victims of this situation. - 91%
Colombia requested US$ 3,300,000, US$ 347,937 were received. Consecutive to 40 years of armed conflict, 2 to 3 million people have been displaced, 73% of them women and children. Thousands of children remain enrolled in armed entities, landmines continue to pose a severe threat to the population, while access to water, basic health and educational services is poor, especially for the displaced. - 11%
DPR Korea requested US$ 16,905,000, US$ 2,051,062 were received. Malnutrition among children remains among the highest in the region. Access to water and sanitation has also suffered, contributing to an increase in water-borne diseases, especially diarrhoea. Tuberculosis and malaria have reappeared while educational standards have declined with acute shortages of teaching and learning materials. - 12%
Georgia requested US$ 1,260,000, nothing was received. Two areas in Georgia deserve particular attention, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which are highly affected by the consequences of unresolved conflicts. In these areas, the welfare system has completely collapsed, affecting the access to fundamental services for children such as water and sanitation, health and education. - 0%
Haiti requested US$ 8,374,000, US$ 4,265,975 were received. A decade of economic recession, socio-political unrest and natural disasters has gravely worsened the well-being of children and women in Haiti. With the highest mortality rate in the western hemisphere, severe chronic malnutrition, low vaccination rates and very weak access to basic services such as water and sanitation and schools, childhood in Haiti remains in deep humanitarian crisis. - 51%
Nepal requested US$ 5,951,500, 247,997 was received. The prevailing political unrest and Maoist insurgency have seriously affected quality and availability of health services and education. Maintaining access to basic services is one of the current challenges. - 4%
Occupied Palestinian Territory requested US$ 12,720,884, US$ 6,021,051 were received. Violence, restrictions of movement and serious economic decline continue to hinder access of children to school and other facilities, to worsen children's psychosocial well-being and to disrupt immunization and primary health-care services in the West Bank and Gaza. The CAP has currently been raised to US$ 14.2 million to meet additional needs for children. - 42%
Tajikistan requested US$ 4,000,000, US$ 452,049 were received. Tajikistan is the poorest country in the CEE/CIS, and in spite of the current stability, its social sector continues to be in dire need of additional international and humanitarian support to face its many challenges which adversely impact indicators for children and women. Unless such assistance is provided, the reversal of the current risks faced by children and women will be impossible. In addition, the country continues to be witness to recurring natural disasters which are a regular setback for the affected communities and regions. - 11%

(1) Funding figures reflect receipts of emergency type funding. 2 HAR countries affected by the tsunami, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, are not considered in this update.
Information on UNICEF's Emergency Programmes can be obtained from:
Dan Toole
Tel: + 1 212 326 7163
Fax: + 1 212 326 7037
E-mail: dtoole@unicef.org
Olivier Degreef
Tel: + 41 22 909 5655
Fax: + 41 22 909 5902
E-mail: odegreef@unicef.org
Gary Stahl
Tel: + 1 212 326 7009
Fax: + 1 212 326 7165
E-mail: gstahl@unicef.org