The chronic drought crisis continues to affect an estimated 1.13 million people in the south of Angola, including 605,982 children.
UNICEF has rehabilitated 68 water points in drought affected areas (Namibe and Huila), which provides safe water to 34,000 people, including 15,700 children. In total 175 water points will be rehabilitated by the first quarter of 2018 in an aim to reach 80,000 people with safe water.
UNICEF and partners screened 177,359 children for malnutrition, of whom 9,039 children had been identified with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and admitted to treatment
UNICEF has trained 226 education authorities, principals, teachers and members of parents associations on cholera prevention and response.
Close to 2,900 refugee children are benefitting from UNICEF child friendly spaces (CFS) in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) refugee influx reception centres and in the Lovua settlement area, where children benefit from protection, nutrition screening, birth registration and early childhood development (ECD) activities, including informal learning and play through semi-structured activities.
UNICEF has trained 60 refugees on social mobilization and inter-personal communication to conduct family-to-family communication activities to promote good practices in WASH, Child Protection, and Health and Nutrition, reaching 4000 people in refugee settlement areas per day.
1.16 million People affected 1.13 million (Post Disaster Needs Assessment, National) and 27,070 refugees (Biometric Registration Update as of 22 September 2017, UNHCR)
620,817 Children affected
605,982 children affected by drought and 14,835 refugee children (Biometric Registration Update as of 22 September 2017, UNHCR)
29,706 Total children under 5 with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)
490 Suspected cases of Cholera in 3 affected provinces (Cholera Weekly Bulletin as of 10 September 2017, Angolan Ministry of Health)
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
The drought continues to affect the seven southern provinces of Cunene, Huila, Namibe, Cuando Cubango, Cuanza Sul, Bié and Huambo. El Niño has resulted in significant food production losses affecting over 1.13 million people. Estimated damage and losses for the provinces of Cunene, Huila and Namibe were assessed at just over US$297 million, with agriculture (70 per cent) and food security (18 per cent) sectors mostly affected. Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) remains a concern, especially in the hardest hit provinces with wasting rates from 10,5 per cent in Cunene to 5 per cent Bié. Flash flooding has also been experienced in southern Angola, exacerbating migratory movements of whole communities, including cross-border movements, which increases vulnerability to child protection violations, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse of girls while walking long distances to fetch water; to child labour, trafficking; or reduced school attendance. From January 2017 onwards, the cumulative number of suspected cholera cases stands at 490 (Soyo – 249, Cabinda – 236, and Luanda – 1) with 27 deaths reported (13 in Soyo and 14 in Cabinda) with a Case Fatality Rate of 5.5 per cent. Angola has also witnessed a refuge influx from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). As of 22 September, UNHCR has registered 27,070 people, more than half of whom are children, who have fled the conflict in the Kasai region of the DRC into Dundo, Lunda Norte province in northern Angola. UNICEF has actively engaged in providing health and other life-saving responses including WASH, child protection and social mobilization. Local authorities and partners have been developing a new site for relocating all refugees in Lovua municipality, 92 kilometres from the provincial capital Dundo. As of 12 September, 2,018 refugees had been relocated to the new site, with 6,825 refugees remaining in the Cacanda reception centre currently in process of relocation to Lovua. The majority of the refugee population is still living in the host communities.