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Angola + 7 more

UNHCR D.R.Congo Fact Sheet, 31 March 2011


UNHCR operational highlights

• Province Orientale: UNHCR has distributed via GIZ and Intersos NFI kits to vulnerable displaced persons at some 170 Km North West of Dungu. During the month thousands people have been sensitized on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence by UNHCR’s partner Coopi and HIV-AIDS by Oxfam Quebec.

• Equateur: UNHCR has established a presence in Libenge jointly with the Government counterpart, CNR, with the aim to prepare the repatriation operation. UNHCR partner Search For Common Ground organized training on peace education, reconciliation and mediation for leaders of the Munzaya and Enyele communities as well as the ceremony to seal the reconciliation between the two communities on 31 March.

• Katanga: UNHCR Office in Pweto was officially closed on 28 February, following the termination of the organized repatriation of RDC refugees from Zambia. In Moba, UNHCR officially handed over some infrastructures, including houses, latrines and wells, to returnee families and communities in Moba-port, Kirungu, Kinkalata and Mutambala.