Reporting Period: 01 July - 30 September 2008
Activities & Outputs Summary:
- Clearance of 154,507m2 of land, including a 78,855m2 area of road
- Mechanical preparation of 54,622m2 of land.
- 118 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) tasks completed by the Rapid Response Team, destroying a total of 730 items, (2 Anti-Tank mines, 20 Anti-Personnel mines, 614 items of Small Arms Ammunition and 94 other UXO).
- 154 communities visited by Community Liaison (CL) teams and 113 UXO reports collected
- 98 Mine Risk Education (MRE) sessions conducted, reaching 3,581 beneficiaries
- 4 Impact Assessments completed
Impact Summary:
- Creating a more secure environment by reducing risk of death or injury and working to improve the futures of people in Moxico affected by Remnants of Conflict.
- Facilitating local reconstruction by freeing up land that can be used for livelihood generation and infrastructure projects.
- Contributing to economic growth and stability by creating safer environments and communities and increasing economic independence for families.
Clearance Activities
Camanongue-Lumeje Road: The clearance of the road from Camanongue to Lumeje was completed in September. The road can now be used as an alternative route for travel between Camanongue and Luena in place of the main road which is in very bad condition. Furthermore, it provides access to Camanogue and Luena, as well as to other villages such as Luxia and Luangrico, for the communities working and living in the area. The Road Operations Unit will deploy to Leua municipality in October and to Lucusse from November.
Ongoing activities: MAG has continued to work in the 4 de Fevereiro and Luxia areas on tasks which were started in May and June respectively:
- 4 de Fevereiro covers a large area on the periphery of Luena with a high number of returnees living on and around the site.
- The four suspected areas in Luxia are very close to the community infrastructures including a school and health centre. The clearance will directly benefit approximately 2,265 people living in that community
Ground preparation: In August, MAG moved the mechanical means belonging to the Mechanical Operations Unit away from route clearance and verification activities to carry out ground preparation in the 4 de Fevereiro area. This enabled the subsequent use of different clearance methods (including large loop detectors), and was an important contributor to a large increase in productivity on this task. The technical teams were also successful in significantly reducing suspect areas by using a risk matrix tool combined with in-depth discussions with local people; in this way it was possible to establish with more certainty the borders of contaminated areas.