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InterAction Member Activity Report: Angola Dec 1999

A Guide to Humanitarian and Development Efforts of InterAction Member Agencies
A Guide to Advocacy, Development and Humanitarian Efforts of InterAction Member Agencies
Produced by the Disaster Response Unit of InterAction ®
American Council for Voluntary International Action
1717 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. #701,
Washington D.C. 20036
phone (202)667-8227 fax (202) 667-8236

Table of Contents

Background Information
Report Summary
Organizations by Sector Activity
Glossary of Acronyms
Organizations: Action Against Hunger
Catholic Relief Services
Christian Children’s Fund
Concern Worldwide
Doctors Without Borders/ MSF
International Medical Corps
Jesuit Refugee Service
Salvation Army World Service Office
Save the Children-USA
World Vision

Map of Angola

Background Summary

Civil conflict began in Angola nearly thirty years ago, before the country’s independence from Portugal in 1975. The conflict originated between rival anti-colonial movements and continues to the present day. The two major groups are the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). The MPLA has controlled the government during most of the past two decades.

Two attempts to end the conflict in the last decade have failed. In 1991 and 1992 there was a cease-fire, and the international community monitored elections. After losing the elections, UNITA alleged irregularities and corruption, and violence resumed in October of 1992. In November 1994, both parties signed a peace accord, the Lusaka Protocol, which provided for demobilization of UNITA forces and the incorporation of UNITA members into the army and government. The Lusaka Protocol ushered in a period of relative peace and stability, until 1997, when the situation began to deteriorate. Hostilities arose between UNITA and MPLA over troop demobilization and the participation of both groups in the civil war in Zaire. In August 1998 UNITA was discharged from the Government of National Unity and Reconciliation (GURN), which was followed by a return to armed conflict in December 1998. The fighting has continued since then, and the United Nations withdrew its peacekeeping operation and political personnel from the country in February of 1999.

Both UNITA and MPLA forces are accused of gross human rights violations, including mutilation, kidnapping of civilians, conscription of child soldiers, murder of civilians, and laying landmines. The number of people killed in the ongoing conflict is estimated to be nearing 1 million. In addition, estimates put the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) at 1.5 million, and the number of refugees in neighboring countries anywhere between 150,000 and 350,000.

The conflict has created an increasingly desperate humanitarian situation. Displacement and the threat of landmines have kept farmers from producing crops, causing famine. As IDPs flee to provincial capitals such as Malange, Huambo, Kuito, and Luena, these areas are experiencing serious overcrowding. The overcrowding is creating problems of public health, sanitation, and malnutrition.

The conflict has also made access for the humanitarian community problematic. Because of lack of security, roads are not usable, and relief agencies are forced to depend on air transport for supplies and personnel, raising costs considerably. Despite their efforts, a large segment of the population remains completely inaccessible to the humanitarian community for assessment or aid.

Even after the conflict subsides, Angola will remain in great need of humanitarian assistance. Thirty years of civil war have left the country’s infrastructure and economy in shambles. Angola has one of the highest concentrations of landmines and amputees in the world; the number of un-detonated landmines in the country is estimated at 10 million. The needs of this population of 10.5 million grow greater each day that the conflict continues.

Background Information Sources:,,

Report Summary

This guide offers international agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the media, and the public an overview of the humanitarian assistance being provided to the people of Angola by InterAction member agencies.

Thirteen InterAction member organizations currently conduct relief and development activities in Angola. Nine sector areas are addressed in programming including agriculture and food production; business development; disaster and emergency relief; education/training; gender issues/women in development; health care; human rights/peace/conflict resolution; refugee and migration services; and demining (see page iv for organizations listed by sector activity).

These humanitarian activities take place throughout Angola. Member organizations are currently working in the provinces of Benguela, Bie, Huambo, Huila, Kwanza Sul, Luanda, Namibe, Moxico, Cunene, Kwanza Norte and Cuando-Cubango
The NGOs in this report have presented several objectives for their projects in Angola. Some of these are: providing general humanitarian relief; promoting food security; education and training; and providing basic health care and sanitation.

Several NGOs work through the support of or in coordination with local and international partners. Some of the organizations mentioned are: ECHO, UNHCR, OFDA, USAID, UCAH, the Angolan government, Dutch government, WFP, Caritas Angola, BHR, and UNICEF.

Organizations by Sector Activity

Agriculture and Food Production Human Rights/Peace/Conflict Resolution
Action Against Hunger CARE
Africare Jesuit Refugee Service
Catholic Relief Services

Refugee and Migration Services
World Vision CARE
Doctors Without Borders/MSF

Business Development
Jesuit Refugee Service
Jesuit Refugee Service

Jesuit Refugee Service

Disaster and Emergency Relief
Christian Children’s Fund
Jesuit Refugee Service

Christian Children’s Fund
Catholic Relief Services
Doctor’s Without Borders/MSF
Jesuit Refugee Service
World Vision

Gender Issues/Women in Development
Jesuit Refugee Service

Health Care
Action Against Hunger
Catholic Relief Services
Christian Children’s Fund
Concern Worldwide
Doctors Without Borders/MSF
International Medical Corps
Jesuit Refugee Service
World Vision

Glossary of Acronyms

Acronym InterAction Members
AAH Action Against Hunger
CRS Catholic Relief Services
CCF Christian Children’s Fund
MSF Medicins Sans Frontiers/Doctors Without Borders
IMC International Medical Corps
JRS Jesuit Refugee Service
SAWSO Salvation Army World Service Office
SC Save the Children-US

Other Acronyms
BHR Bureau for Humanitarian Response
ECHO European Community Humanitarian Office
EPI Expanded Programs of Immunization
OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
MCH Maternal Child Health
MPLA People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola
PHC Primary Health Care
TB Tuberculosis
TBA Traditional Birth Attendants
UCAH United Nations Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Unit
UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angola
UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WFP World Food Programme

Action Against Hunger

Overseas Office and Contact
Jorge Pereira
Acción Contra el Hambre
35/37 Rua da Liberdade
Barrio Nelito Soares
Luanda, Angola
Tel. 244-232-0709
Fax 244-232-4319
Jean Francois Vidal
875 Avenue of the Americas
Suite 1905
New York, NY 10001
Tel. 212-967-7800
Fax 212-967-5480

Introduction to Action Against Hunger

Created in 1979, Action Against Hunger (AAH) is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-profit organization. AAH has four headquarters (France, United States, United Kingdom and Spain). It is present in 38 countries worldwide, providing programs that assist in increasing local levels of nutrition, water and sanitation, food security and health. Action Against Hunger upholds six principles in its work: independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism and transparency.

Action Against Hunger in Angola

AAH began its mission in Angola in September of 1995 and has accomplished much since then. AAH directly benefits 640,000 people in Angola with the financial assistance of the Dutch government, European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and the United Nations Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Unit (UCAH).
AAH is currently working on several programs throughout Angola to help the war ravaged population. AAH has initiated a water program in the Omadadja district that supplies 30,000 people with clean water. This water project includes maintenance and rehabilitation of water wells, as well as borehole drilling. In the Menogue/ Kuito Kuana Vale/ Mavinga districts AAH facilitates vital nutrition and medical programs. Through these programs AAH has built a new health center and distributes water throughout the region. The AAH is also very active in the Caconda district where the organization has an agricultural program, which distributes seeds and fertilizers, as well as assisting with the cultivation of fruit. Finally, in the Ganda district, the AAH has an extensive health program that includes a hospital and rehabilitation facilities.

Some special concerns of AAH in the region are the increasing insecurity and deteriorating humanitarian conditions. The agency is also concerned with lack of access to people in the fighting areas. One of the most alarming problems facing the AAH is the huge number of displaced people in Plano Alto, which has been estimated between 700,000 and 2,000,000. These people are in desperate need of the most essential supplies, which Action Against Hunger is trying to provide.


Overseas Office and Contact
Michael Finley
16 Rua Comandante Marcelino Dias
Luanda, Angola Africare
Tel. 244-233-5782
Fax 244-239-6859 U.S. Office and Contact
Kevin Lowther
Regional Director for Southern Africa
Washington D.C.

Introduction to Africare

Africare is an organization that specializes in rural development with a strong emphasis on self-help and capacity building in Africa. Africare can be found in 27 African nations involved in the general areas of food and water distribution, environmental protection, health care, private sector development and the encouragement of democracy. Africare is currently supporting more than 260 programs, from village based programs to national and multi-national initiatives. Relief activities only make up 15 percent of Africare’s work and the vast majority of their work is done in partnership with the local people.

Introduction to Africare in Angola

Since 1990 Africare has had a significant presence in Angola working in agriculture, health and vocational training. Africare is currently serving an estimated 7000 families, including displaced persons.

The agricultural program in Angola includes the distribution of seeds and tools to farmers and displaced persons in and around Kuito, in Central Bie Province. This work is currently restricted to the immediate area of Kuito.

Africare’s health care program in Angola is focused on child survival. Vaccinations of children under five and women of childbearing age are carried out in the immediate area of Kuito.

The third aspect of Africare’s three tiered approach in Angola is vocational training for the youth in the outskirts of Luanda. Africare manages the Palanca Youth Training Center where 200 young people receive training in welding, electricity and carpentry.

Africare plans on spending a total of two million dollars in fiscal year 2000 in Angola most of which will be provided by USAID, OFDA and UNICEF. Africare also works closely with the Angolan Government, the World Food Program and UNICEF.


Overseas Office and Contact
Pat Buckley, Country Director
John O’Brien, Assistant Country Director
CP 5602 Almeda Manuel
Van Dunem 330
Luanda, Angola
Phone: (244) 234-5196
US Office and Contact
Jack Soldate,
Deputy Regional Director
151 Ellis Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone: (404) 681-2552

Introduction to CARE-USA

CARE’s mission is to affirm the dignity and worth of individuals and families in some of the poorest communities in the world. The organization seeks to relieve human suffering, to provide economic opportunity, to build sustained capacity for self-help, and to affirm the ties of human beings everywhere.

CARE-USA in Angola

CARE has been in Angola since 1989 addressing the emergency needs of those families most affected by the country’s ongoing civil war. CARE has implemented rehabilitation and development programs in recent years in Lubango, Luanda and Kuito. The project in Lubango assists 36,000 Angolans with urban social mobilization and hygiene education. In Kuito, a program to help with health transition, child survival, agricultural projects and mine intervention projects has benefited an estimated 348,000 people. In Luanda, CARE has begun an urban rehabilitation and micro-enterprise project that benefits 260,000 people. The total approved budget for fiscal year 2000 is $5,194,674.

With projects of this size CARE works with other non-governmental organizations in Lubango and Kuanda, as well as with several government departments to reach the maximum number of people. CARE relies on the United Nations security alert system as well as the Angolan government for updates on security issues. The organization also relies on the WFP for flights in and out of Kuito.

Catholic Relief Services


Overseas Office and Contact
Jennifer J. George
Country Representative
Caixa Postal No. 74
Avenida Paulo Dias de Novias
Lobito, Provincia Benguela, Angola
Tel: 244-72-22-419
Tel: 244-72-23-286
U.S. Office and Contact
Gloria Peterson-Ayigah
Program Analyst
Southern Africa Regional team
209 West Fayette Street
Baltimore, Maryland
410-625-2220 Ext. 3468

Introduction to Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services is the official overseas relief and developmental agency for the Catholic Church in the United States. The fundamental motivating force of its work is the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it pertains to the alleviation of human suffering, the development of people, and the fostering of charity and justice in the world. CRS assists persons on the basis of need, not creed, race or nationality.

Catholic Relief Services in Angola

CRS supports the resettlement, rehabilitation and reconciliation of war-affected communities in Angola. The agency tries to accomplish this task through the development of both short and long-term food security projects. Sectors of intervention focusing on improved food security include health, agricultural recovery and education. In the health sector, CRS Angola supports both curative and preventative initiatives, as well as activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of local institutions to develop and implement programs. CRS carries out this function in addition to responding to local emergencies.

CRS Angola maintains its main office in Lobito, Benguela Province, a liaison office in Luanda, and a project office in Cubal, Benguela Province. There is also an additional Project Office in Balombo, which had to be closed temporarily due to insecurity in the area. The estimated number of direct beneficiaries is 90,000 people while the indirect beneficiaries are estimated at 2,000,000. To increase its effectiveness CRS Angola works in collaboration with Caritas Angola, its main supporter, local and international NGOs and Angolan government institutions.

Christian Children’s Fund

Overseas Office and Contact
Dr. Marcia Jovanovic
Rua Comandante Stona
161/163 Alvalade
Luanda, Angola
Tel. 375-172-36-6674
Fax 375-172-36-6674 U.S. Office and Contact
Jill Coverton
Christian Children’s Fund
2821 Emerywood Parkway
Richmond, VA 23294
Tel. 804-756-3517

Introduction to Christian Children’s Fund

The Christian Children Fund (CCF) is a humanitarian organization working for the survival, development and protection of children without regard to sex, race, creed or religious affiliation. Its mission is to serve the needs of children worldwide through person-to-person programs in the context of family and community. CCF reaches over 2.5 million children each year through more than 1,200 child and family projects.

Introduction to Christian Children’s Fund in Angola

CCF has received a $4 million grant from the Displaced Children and Orphans Fund of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for the funding of a three-year war trauma project in Angola. These funds will be used to start a new project called "Initiatives for Angolan Children and Youth Futures". This project seeks to improve the emotional and psychological well-being of children with an emphasis on youth 12-18 years of age in four provinces and Luanda. This project alone will reach an estimated 140,000 traumatized children who will benefit from professional psychological treatment to alleviate the long-term effects of war trauma.

CCF has also begun a child survival project in the province of Huila. This will be a four-year project that will provide vaccinations, health education, programs in nutrition, maternal health, pneumonia and diarrhea. This project was made possible through a separate USAID grant of $1 million.

Concern Worldwide

Overseas Office and Contact
Mark Allison
Country Director
Rua Almeida Principle Real 59
Bairro Miramar
Luanda, Angola
Tel. 244-23-49-461
Fax 244-23-45-839 U.S. Office and Contact
Rob Williams
International Development Manager
104 East 40th Street, Room 903
New York, NY 10016
Tel. 212-557-8000

Introduction to Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide is a non-denominational voluntary organization committed to the relief, assistance and advancement of peoples in need in less developed areas of the world. While Concern Worldwide concentrates on the poorest people in the its countries of operation, Concern also seeks to engage the peoples of both donor and recipient countries more fully in the practical struggle against poverty and injustice in the world. Concern bases its work on the principle that development is a process which occurs in people, proceeds at their pace and is achieved, not given.

Introduction to Concern Worldwide in Angola

Concern has been active in Angola since October 1993. In that year it began an emergency nutrition program in Malange and a year later added a similar nutrition program in Huambo. Today Concern’s main objective is to improve the nutritional status of the populations of Angola who are most seriously affected by the civil strife that recommenced in November 1998. Specifically, the organization’s goal is to maintain and improve the existing capacity to meet the needs of the malnourished people in Huambo and Malanje. They hope to accomplish this by the provision of supplementary and therapeutic feeding in a targeted manner to accompany the distribution of a general ration distribution by WFP and food available locally.
The health programs in Huambo and Melange are threefold. Concern has begun passing out seeds for the 1999/2000 planting season, which will be harvested next June because vegetables that have been grown in the past year have been harvested early and consumed immediately to combat malnutrition, leaving no seeds for the following year. Concern has opened nine feeding centers, four in Huambo and five in Malange, which are therapeutic and supplementary in nature. These centers cater to malnourished children who often have other poverty related health problems, which are also treated by nurses on staff whenever possible. These centers have been operating beyond full capacity for some time, but have adapted well to the situation. The third aspect of the health program is to distribute blankets and T-shirts to children to counteract hypothermia from exposure and soap for sanitation purposes. The total cost for the program is $631,632 with a budget of $334,067 for Huambo and $297,565 for Malange.

Concern works hand in hand with several other organizations to bring their program to fruition including MINSA, WFP, and MSF-Holland.

Doctors Without Borders/Medicins Sans Frontiers

Overseas Office and Contacts U.S. Office and Contact
Antoine Gerard
Program Director
6 East 39th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10025
Tel. 212-655-3776

Introduction to Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders (known internationally as Medicins Sans Frontiers or MSF) delivers emergency medical relief to those populations threatened by war, civil strife, epidemics or natural disasters. A private, non-profit humanitarian organization, Doctors Without Borders was founded by a small group of French doctors determined to respond rapidly and effectively to public health emergencies with complete independence from political, economic or religious powers.

Doctors Without Borders in Angola

MSF had been active in nine provinces in Angola since 1988. Their objective has been to rehabilitate and strengthen the health care system in two-thirds of the provinces. Over the last eleven years they have brought emergency relief, support and technical assistance to populations in both UNITA and government (MPLA) controlled territories. Since fighting resumed in 1998, malnutrition has reached epidemic proportions, which the MSF has sought to combat through nutritional assistance.
MSF assists dozens of clinics and health posts as part of their health program. This health program focuses on general and mother-and-child health, including activities such as training, TB projects, the supply of drugs and medical material, and management support. MSF carries out nutritional surveys and runs feeding programs, in addition to running vaccination campaigns against diseases such as measles, meningitis and polio. Work teams are also formed to build new health facilities and renovate others, as well as to help with water and sanitation programs.

  • MSF has an international staff of 60 and a national staff of about 500. MSF’s specific projects include:
    • Luanda: manage a large scale vaccination campaign and a cholera prevention program
    • Cubal: run a nutritional center and provide support to a municipal feeding center
    • Caala: provide nutritional assistance through the government hospital and run a mass vaccination campaign at the outbreak of a meningitis epidemic
    • Kuito: operate a surgical program when security allows and operate an intensive feeding program for the extremely malnourished
    • Chitemba: run a nutritional center
    • Camacupa: run a nutritional center
    • Malange: run three feeding centers for 700 children
    • N’Dalatando: run a long-term trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) program
    • Luena: run a mother and child health care program
    • Bibala and Camacuio: run a primary health care program
    • Huila Province: run a primary health care program
    • Zaire Province: supported the provincial hospital until security conditions forced them out in 1998.

    Some special concerns for MSF in Angola are the closed airports, unsafe roads, threats to aid workers and denials of access. These problems have hampered MSF’s humanitarian response, but the agency continues to accomplish whatever is possible.

    Doctors Without Borders works in cooperation with UN agencies and other NGOs to deliver effective aid to the people of Angola.

    International Medical Corps

    Overseas Office and Contact
    Bario da Maianga
    Rua EduardoMondlane
    Luanda, Angola
    Tel. 244-239-2174
    Fax 244-239-2174 U.S. Office and Contact
    Martin Zogg
    11500 West Olympic Blvd, Suite 506
    Los Angeles, CA 90064-1524
    Tel. 310-826-7800
    Fax 310-442-6622

    Introduction to International Medical Corps

    International Medical Corps (IMC) is a global humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and medical relief programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer United States doctors and nurses, IMC is a private, voluntary, non-political, non-sectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in areas worldwide where few organizations dare to serve. They do this by offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to those at highest risk. With their flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, IMC rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

    International Medical Corps in Angola

    In Angola, IMC is working to reduce the incidence of morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable disease, diarrheal diseases and perinatal disease/complication by increasing the access of vulnerable populations to quality basic preventative health care and primary health care (PHC) in Moxico Province’s Luena Municipality and Huambo Province’s Huambo Municipality.

    Since October of 1990, IMC has provided emergency medical care and health relief programs to control communicable diseases and epidemics through immunization and other prevention measures with particular emphasis on controlling cholera, meningitis, polio and measles. IMC also procures essential drugs, medical supplies and laboratory supplies; rehabilitates health facilities; and provides health workers with skills upgrades in disease surveillance techniques and in the management and prevention of life-threatening illnesses. IMC has worked in the provinces of Huambo, Kwanza Sul, Moxico, Malanje, Uige, Lunda Norte and Cuando-Cubango. Currently, IMC supports, supervises and monitors maternal / child health (MCH) and expanded programs of immunization (EPI) activities at primary health care (PHC) facilities; supervises and conducts mobile (EPI) campaigns among displaced populations; and provides support to the National Polio Campaigns scheduled by the Ministry of Health over the course of the project period. IMC also monitors and supports the activities of 250 traditional birth attendants (TBAs) and health promoters, and provides refresher training to TBAs and health care promoters, EPI technicians and nurses.

    IMC is supported by funding from USAID/BHR/OFDA.

    Jesuit Refugee Service

    Overseas Office and Contact
    Andrea Lari
    Parroquia de S. Francisco Xavier
    Bairro MM de Quifandongo
    Travessa da Rua 2, 10 Luanda
    Tel. 244-23-20-722
    Fax 244-23-37-897 U.S. Office and Contact
    Fr Rick Ryscavarage SJ
    C/o Jesuit Conference
    1616 P Street NW Suite 400
    Washington, D.C. 20036-1405
    Tel. 202-462-0400
    Fax 202-328-9212

    Introduction to Jesuit Refugee Service

    The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organization established and maintained by the Society of Jesus. JRS has a threefold mission of accompaniment, service and advocacy on behalf of refugees and forcibly displaced persons, with a priority of working whenever the needs of forcibly displaced people are urgent and unattended by others. JRS offers a human and pastoral service to the refugees, displaced people and the communities which host them through a wide variety of rehabilitation and relief activities. JRS advocates the cause of the forcibly displaced and facilitates the response of local churches, Jesuit institutions and other communities and organizations to the needs of refugees. JRS offers training to its own staff at annual in-services and regular workshops.

    Jesuit Refugee Services in Angola

    The general objectives of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Angola are to accompany, serve and advocate the cause of internally displaced people. To do this effectively the JRS has had to respond to the changing needs of the internally displaced population.

    Before the return of war the JRS used their national headquarters in Luanda mainly as support for the poorer regions of Luena and Negage. With the recommencment of fighting, the JRS has had to develop programs for an increasing population of displaced people in the capital. These new programs in Luanda include educational projects using "container schools" which are in addition to the administration and logistic work that is already being done there. In Luena the JRS has been extremely active with extensive programs that assist internally displaced people with the provision of health services, pastoral care and family assistance, primary education for children and landmine victim assistance. The JRS is also active in Negage where the agency has taken on projects of literacy improvement, education for young women and girls and skill training.

    The JRS is able to provide their many services to the people of Angola with the help of several inter-governmental and non-governmental bodies, including the Angolan Bishops Conference, Trocaire and a liaison with government.

    One special concern of the JRS in Angola is the increasing flow of displaced persons into the capital of Luanda which is overwhelming the infrastructure, creating urban famine and causing civil unrest.


    Overseas Office and Contact Information
    Catherine Gibbons
    Country Representative
    Rua Tome Agostinho das Neves
    No. 18A
    Alvalade, Maianga
    Luanda, Angola
    Phone: 011-244-2-322-949
    U.S. Office and Contact Information
    Andrea K. Freeman
    Program Officer
    1901 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 5th Floor
    Washington, D.C. 20006
    Phone: (202) 466-5666
    Fax: (202) 466-5669

    Introduction to PACT

    PACT’s mission is to contribute to the growth of civil societies throughout the world. It’s mission is accomplished by working strategically to strengthen the civil society sector as a whole and to directly help individual non-profit organizations identify and implement participatory development approaches that promote social, economic, political and environmental justice.

    PACT in Angola

    The overall goal of PACT’s program in Angola is to strengthen civil society so that it gains the competence, legitimacy and accountability to take on meaningful roles in the democratic and socio-economic development of the country. PACT is responsible for implementation of the USAID funded Angolan NGOs Institutional Strengthening Project. Specifically, the program aims to strengthen national NGOs, and to encourage alliances among NGOs, local businesses, external funding agencies, international NGOs and the Angolan Government. The goal is to reach more than 30% of Angola’s NGO community.

    The workshop series that makes up the capacity building program is held in the capital of Luanda due to logistical, transportational, safety and budgetary constraints. The workshop series includes nine workshops over ten months. Trainees are selected to guarantee a geographical distribution of NGOs based throughout Angola.

    USAID provides the $3,600,287 necessary to fund this project. With this funding PACT graduated two classes of 18 NGOs each and improved their management practices by 44%, with a particular gain in financial management. PACT is now in the process of selecting a third round of trainees to continue this program.

    Salvation Army World Service Office

    Overseas Office and Contact Information
    Colonel Robin Dunster
    Ave Ebea 23 Kinshasa-Gombe
    Democratic Republic of Congo
    Phone: (243) 122-0719
    Cell: (243) 884-0027
    Email: U.S. Office and Contact Information
    Rosemary Regis
    Salvation Army World Service Office
    P.O. Box 269
    Alexandria, VA 22313
    Phone: (703) 684-5528

    Introduction to Salvation Army World Service Office

    The Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO) provides financial and technical assistance to the International Salvation Army in support of its work in a variety of programs including education, health services, relief and disaster service and community development.

    Salvation Army World Service Office in Angola

    The Salvation Army has a small staff in Angola at the present time. Access to land and resources have hampered a larger project. Programs for supplemental feeding, clothing for refugees and street children’s programs have been proposed.

    Save the Children/US


    Overseas Office and Contact
    Sashi Chanda, Field Office Director
    Rua Sotto Maior, # 70
    Bairro Azul,
    Luanda, Angola
    Tel: 244-2-35-3501 Fax: 244-9-501-988 U.S. Office and Contact
    Tom McCormack
    54 Wilton Road
    Westport, CT 06880
    Tel: 203-221-3713

    Introduction to Save the Children

    The agency’s overall mission is to make lasting, positive changes in the lives of children in need.

    Save the Children in Angola

    Save the Children works in the Moxico Province, where it serves 95,000 people, and in the Kuanza Sul Province, where it serves 20,000 people. The agency’s general objectives in Angola are to:

    • Increase livelihood security for the vulnerable populations affected by war;
    • Improve health status of children, women and men in their communities; and
    • Improve access and availability of food to war affected populations.

    Save the Children works on capacity building with local government departments, such as MINARS (Social Action and Reinsertion). MINADER (agriculture) and Provincial Public Health. The agency also collaborates with WFP, UNICEF, MSF, the United Nations Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Unit (UNOCHA), and the International Alliance of Save the Children.

    The agency receives funding from the USAID Africa Bureau and OFDA, from the Dutch Government (DGIS) and from the World Food Program (WFP). The programs are valued at $2.5 million per year, in addition to approximately $5.0 million in food and nonfood gifts in-kind.

    Some of the agency’s special concerns in Angola are poor access to its Gabela location (in the Kuala Sul Province) due to the uncertainty of security and the high cost of program delivery because of expensive air freight and administration costs. Additional concerns are high inflation, poor government capacity and weak structures.

    World Vision

    Overseas Office and Contact
    Anne Mesopir,
    World Vision Angola
    Rua Joao De Barros #56 Boalivista Phone:
    P.O. Box 5687
    Luanda, Angola
    Phone: (244) 231-1181
    Fax: (244) 231-1709 U.S. Office and Contact
    Ben Campbell, Country Director
    220 Eye Street NE #270
    Washington, DC 20002
    Phone: (202) 608-1893
    Fax: (253) 815-3442

    Introduction to World Vision

    World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization committed to:

    • Transformational Development that is community-based and sustainable, focused especially on the needs of children;
    • Emergency Relief that assists people afflicted by conflict or disaster;
    • Promotion of Justice that seeks to change unjust structures affecting the poor among whom they work;
    • Strategic Initiatives that serve the church in the fulfillment of its mission;
    • Public Awareness that leads to informed understanding, giving, involvement and prayer;
    • Witness to Jesus Christ by life, deed, word and sign that encourages people to respond to the Gospel.

    World Vision in Angola

    World Vision maintains a diverse and ever changing project portfolio in Angola. The relief efforts include water, health and agricultural programs. These programs assist over 300,000 Angolans in Cuanzanorte, Cuanzasul, Melange and Luanda with everyday life in the war torn country.

    The water program, which affects around 9,000 people, involved the digging of wells, rehabilitation of water pumps, and the establishment of water committees to manage and distribute the water fairly. There is also a sanitation aspect to the water program, which involves the building of, demonstration, and display of latrines to teach the local population how to build them for themselves, along with sanitation awareness projects which teach local communities to take care of their garbage responsibly without the benefit of government infrastructure.

    World Vision’s agricultural program, called the "Seeds of Freedom", is a two-part project. The first part is to develop specialized seeds that can flourish in the Angolan environment. The second is then to distribute those seeds to the people. This project alone benefits 250,000 people.

    The health program includes refresher courses for health care workers and feeding centers that provide both therapeutic and supplemental diets. This health program helps 68,000 people, 13,600 of those under the age of five.

    Funding is provided for World Vision Angola through USAID, USDA and substantial private donations.