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HIV on the rise in Angola

Luanda - The Hiv/Aids pandemic in Angola is spreading vertiginously, mainly in the provinces of Luanda, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Cuando Cubango and Cunene.

The information was disclosed by the executive secretary of the Angola’s Aids Service Organisations Network (Anaso), Antonio Coelho.

According to António Coelho, the Aids situation in Angola is generally worrying and dramatic in some regions of the country, blaming the spread of the disease in Luanda on the high concentration of people.

The spread in the provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul (northeast), Cuando Cubango and Cunene (South) is owed to the great inflow of foreigners in diamond mining areas, he explained.

António Coelho said Anaso has registered 95,850 people living with the Aids virus, 62,580 of which under retroviral drugs while 33 percent have quit treatment for various reasons.

He added that the number of men who have sex among themselves has risen three percent, prostitutes seven percent and prison inmates five percent.

According to him, the situation calls for a redesigning of Anaso’s strategy that has put its focus on people aged between 15 and 24 years.

Meanwhile, a march will be held Saturday in Luanda to express solidarity with Hiv-positive people and mark the celebration of the World Aids Day, 1 December.