Each week, the World Health Organization Health Action in Crises in Geneva produces information highlights on the health aspects of selected humanitarian crises. Drawing on the various WHO programmes, contributions cover activities from field and country offices and the support provided by WHO regional offices and Headquarters. The mandate of the WHO Departments specifically concerned with Emergency and Humanitarian Action in Crises is to increase the effectiveness of the WHO contribution to crisis preparedness and response, transition and recovery. This note, which is not exhaustive, is designed for internal use and does not reflect any official position of the WHO Secretariat.
Assessments and events:
Insecurity continues, hampering humanitarian assistance and making access to some areas, such as south-west of Goz Beida, perilous.
In the village of Abdi, south of Abéché, ten cases of suspected anthrax were reported last week; three severe cases were evacuated to Abéché Hospital.
Some 36 suspected cases of whooping cough were reported in Gaga camp, hosting up to 30 000 people, and four neighbouring villages between 12 January and 8 March.
The MoH and WHO visited Abdi to investigate the suspected anthrax cases, take samples, provide training and conduct awareness raising activities. WHO also provided a New Emergency Health Kit, Ringer Lactate and ciprofloxacin to local health facilities.
Another joint mission was conducted to Gaga to prepare against the whooping cough outbreak; the plan includes a mass vaccination campaign.
In 2006, WHO's emergency activities in Chad were funded by ECHO and supported by a loan from the United Kingdom revolving emergency funds. Additional emergency funding has come from the Italian Cooperation.
A rapid response grant of US$ 676 000 was granted by the CERF to ameliorate access to primary health care for IDPs in the health districts of Goz Beida and Adré.