Uíge - At least fifteen people died from cholera in Uíge province in the last ten months from the 1,500 cases of this disease reported in the region, said the director of the Provincial Health Office in Uíge, Madalena Diogo.
According to the official, from December 2017 to June of this year, 899 cases were registered by the health authorities, causing thirteen deaths. As early as September of this year, with the outbreak of the disease, there have been 156 cases and two deaths to date, totalling 1,055 cases.
He added that there are teams created to combat the disease and that they are mobilizing the population in the outlying districts to reinforce preventive measures aimed at stopping cholera.
"The provincial and community technical commission for the fight against epidemics has developed efforts through sensitization sessions and lectures, community meetings, distribution of tablets for water, disinfestation of cacimbas and rehabilitation of water fountains,'' said Madalena Diogo.