Caála, 06/24 - At least 50,086 children from zero to five years old will be immunised against infantile paralysis in the Municipality of Caála, about 23 kilometres west of Huambo city, as part of the 10th national vaccination campaign.
Running from 27 to 29 of this month, the first phase of the vaccination campaign will permit the administration of vitamin "A", which prevents blindness.
The event will count on the involvement of the administrative authorities, chietains, and religious denominations, besides the health technicians, as informed by the municipal supervisor of the Broad Vaccination Programme (PAV), Alberto da Silva.
Campaigns of sensitisation in the local Umbundu vernacular language, as well as in Portuguese (the country's official lanuguage), have been taking place, aimed at the success of this campaign.
This vaccination programme has the support of national and foreign non governmental organisations.