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Angola + 1 more

Angola: Monthly Refugee Population Statistics, 2017 Kasai Active Refugee Population, October 2024 [EN/PT]



In 2017, around 35,000 Congolese refugees fled conflict and violence from Kasai region in DRC to Lunda Norte Province in Angola, leading UNHCR and the Government of Angola to declare an emergency situation. Lovua settlement was then established on Sep 2017.Since then, the 2017 Kasai refugees, as they are referred to, have been granted asylum and provided with assistance and protection mainly in Lovua Refugee Settlement and other neighbouring areas.

This report comprises active refugee population originating from DRC Kasai region as registered by UNHCR until 31st October 2024.


▪ 100% of 2017 Kasai population were granted refugee status upon arrival.

▪ 69% of refugees live in Lovua Settlement.

▪ 31% live in out-of-camp settings.

▪ 100% of registered refugees are issued household documentation by UNHCR.

▪ Births and deaths are recorded weekly.

▪ Registration of new arrivals has been put on hold by GoA since Oct 2017.

▪ Since mid-2019 more than 14,000 refugees have spontaneously returned home, while 4,392 refugees and their dependants were supported to voluntarily repatriate in coordination with the Governments of DRC and Angola.

▪ UNHCR proGres database is used for documentation, case management and planning purposes.