Sumbe, 02/03 - The Angolan Minister
of Agriculture, Gilberto Lutukuta, defended on Sunday, in Wako Kungo, Kwanza
Sul province, an increase in the nourishing production in the region, with
an aim to improve the level of life condition of the population.
The governor, who was speaking during
a visit to the province, stated the favourable potentials in the region
in the farming and cattle sectors, and hydric, reminding the existence
of programms for the development of agriculture and people capable of ploughing.
"I hope that Kwanza Sul will return to be one of the great producers in the country, a big producer of maize, beans, meat, milk and dairy food",said, equally announced the disposition of the ministry that will give support in distribuition of seeds, working equipment and fertilizers.
During his stay in Kwanza Sul, Gilberto Lutukuta visited the Cela milkmaid basin and the Institute of Agronomic Investigation Institute. (Source: ANGOP)