Luanda, 06/14 - The Angolan Government reiterated the society=B4s need to render a better care to children, as they are the guarantors of the country's future.
Speaking Monday, in Luanda, at the opening ceremony of the ongoing Second National Forum on First Childhood's Cares and Development, the acting Prime Minister, Joao Baptista Kussumua, highlighted that a society that does not take a good care of its children, cannot expect a better future than the present one".
According to Mr Kussumua, the holding of this forum, running under the theme "The Whole Child and the All Children", marks a great moment for Angola and, especially, for the children.
He cited President José Eduardo dos Santos who, in 2003, awakened the attention of all Angolans for the need to place the children in the national agenda as absolute priority, considering that they represent the future of Angola that might be compromised should we all, Government and society, do not assume the compromise of guaranteeing their rights immediately".
Among those who also intervened at the forum, after the speech of Mr Kussumua, are the representatives of social partners, UNICEF and the executive secretary of the Inter-ministerial Commission on actions in favour of the first childhood, respectively Jo=E3o Pita, Mário Ferrari and Ana Afonso.
The event will debate several themes divided into seven panels namely, "The rights and public policies for integral protection of children", "Legislative landmark for the protection of children's rights ", "Life expectancy of Angolans, pre-school education", "The support to family", "The children in the State Budget" and "The dissemination of information, social mobilisation and participation of children".