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Angola: Bie - Social Welfare Minister to assess services delivery

Luanda, 07/01 - Angola's Social Welfare Minister Joao Baptista Kussumua, will on July 04-07 visit Bie province, in his capacity as co-ordinator of the follow-up group to the central Province, Angop has learnt.

This trip will take place in the ambit of the programme of Improvement and Increase of Basic Social Services Delivery to the population.

In Bie, Mr Kussumua will assess the level of execution of social projects already concluded in the first half of this year and others which will be concluded soon.

Among these projects are the building of schools, health centres, water and energy supply systems. Meanwhile, the most important project is the Minimum Special Programme of Kuito City Rebuilding (Pemirk).

Mr Kussumua will also appraise the level of development of programmes for cattle raising foment, the relaunching of the industrial and agricultural production, as well as basic sanitation. Minister Kussumua visited the Central Bie Province 20 days ago.