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American Samoa

Governor Togiola announces the National Emergency Grant of $24.8 million awarded by the Department of Labor to American Samoa


(UTULEI) - : Governor Togiola today announced the National Emergency Grant of $24,857,608 awarded by the Department of Labor to assist American Samoa's clean-up and recovery efforts.

In a statement issued by the Department of Labor, Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis said the award is aimed at helping "American Samoans put their lives back together."

An initial amount of $8, 258, 870 will be released to the American Samoa Department of Human Resources and the remaining will be made available as the Territory demonstrates on-going need for assistance. Funds will be used to create temporary jobs to assist in disaster relief employment on projects that provide food, clothing, shelter and other humanitarian assistance for disaster victims. Qualified programs also include employment on projects for demolition, cleaning, repair, renovation and reconstruction of damaged and destroyed structures, facilities and lands located within the disaster area. Grant funding may be expended through public and private agencies and organizations in such projects.

The Department of Human Resources is estimating to serve approximately 4,930 individuals, including dislocated workers affected by the Samoa Packing cannery and approximately 201 employers identified through preliminary assessment of affected businesses.

Governor Togiola expressed his deep appreciation to Secretary Solis for her support and leadership during this very challenging time for the Territory.

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