In Numbers
133,672 rations provided in June
1,627 mt of food assistance was distributed in June as General Food Assistance (GFA)
US$ 156,479 cash-based transfers (CBT) in June 2024.
US$ 13.6 m six months net funding requirements (July to December 2024)
Operational Updates
- In June, WFP distributed 133,672 food rations constituting a total of 1,621 kcal per person per day which included: 5 kg of fortified wheat flour, 1.5 kg of barley, 1.5 kg of lentils, 1.5 kg of rice, 1 kg of Gofio, 0.91 kg of vegetable oil, 0.75 kg of sugar. The Algerian Red Crescent (ARC) complemented WFP’s dry food ration by 3 kg of wheat flour, 0.5 kg of beans, 1 kg of rice.
- Due to the schools’ seasonal break, WFP paused provision of daily snacks to 31,455 school girls and boys until schools reopen in September.
- The integrated and sustainable farming project (ISFP) continued in the harvest season as food products reached maturity. Data findings at the family gardens level indicated:
o 53 percent of households (HH) declared that men and women are jointly responsible for the garden.
o 100 precent of the interviewed HH have an acceptable Food Consumption Score.
o For 67 percent of the HHs, the main vegetable source comes from their gardens.