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North Africa: Appeal No. MAA82001 Report 2006-2007


This report covers the period of 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2006 of a two-year planning and appeal process.

In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.

In brief

Programme Summary:

The North Africa regional office continued to develop with the National Societies of the region more comprehensive and integrated approaches in disaster management, health and Principles and Values. Focus was also placed on organisational development such as support to the governance, strategic planning, revision of Statutes, reviewing existing branch structures, youth and volunteers and gender issues. New approaches have been identified in the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) field and the emphasis is now placed on developing DRR strategies. Emerging programmes have been initiated in the fields of avian influenza and migration.

In addition, 2006 saw many Red Cross Red Crescent regional developments and was marked by:

- a series of small scale disasters particularly in Egypt and Algeria, which required most of the National Societies' resources to be mobilized and led to some delay in the implementation of other activities (see Relief Operations table below)

- important processes initiated by the Moroccan Red Crescent and Algerian Red Crescent (revision of the Statutes; development of strategic planning, review of existing structures). First Legal Base workshop was organized in the region (Hammamet in November)

- national and regional events such as events such as:

  • General Assembly of Arab Organization for the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (Doha - February 2006) Important Consultation process for the preparation of the International Conference and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Conference.
  • General Assembly for Moroccan Red Crescent and Tunisian Red Crescent.
  • Diplomatic Conference immediately followed by the 29th International Conference.
  • MENA Conference. The Regional Office took a very active part in the preparation of the conference, in both the organizational team and the thematic facilitation process at a critical time for the hosting National Society.
  • Pan-African Coordination Team meeting in Berlin in September. The Tunisian Red Crescent secretary general is representing North African National Societies. Planning and monitoring sessions jointly held with the Global Coalition for Africa.
  • EURO-OPA Major Hazards 11th Ministerial Session on Disaster Risk Reduction (Marrakech - October) - Partnership with the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) and reinforcement of the cooperation with ministerial delegations from North African countries

the recent development of humanitarian crisis which impacted upon National Societies work and priorities (migration; avian influenza alert; violence and terrorism; Middle East Humanitarian Crisis emergency operation)

- internal crisis faced by National Societies (resulting in difficult working environment for National Societies Staff and Volunteers)

Financial Analysis 2006

2006 Programmes
Revised Budget
Income incl. Op Balance
Consumption Rate
Health and Care
Disaster Management
Humanitarian Values
Organisation Development
Coordination Cooperation

Together with the National Societies concerned, the regional office is setting realistic budgets in line with National Societies capacities and resources, seeking full coverage of its appeal and developing new partnerships. Through funding from the appeal, the North African National Societies have been able to strengthen, but also to scale up, their current programmes in disaster management, health and care, building opportunities through appropriate training, supported programme management and monitoring and valuable networking both at national, regional and international level.

The financial management of the operation is mainly owned by the National Society in charge of the implementation of the programmes and activities through transfers to the society or working advances under the close coaching, supervision, facilitation and responsibility of the regional office. During the past years, the North African Red Crescent Societies have successfully increased their management capacities, got acquainted with donors' requirements and have diversified their funding sources, establishing new partnerships. In the change process initiated by the National Societies in Algeria and in Morocco, structures and procedures are under review to increase project performance and impact.

Goal: In line with the Federation of the Future process, the regional office for North Africa is pursuing the building of a stronger and empowered network of North African Red Crescent Societies, setting a shared vision and direction for the future, following the Federation Global Agenda by being:

1. responsive and focused, able to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow and a global leader in the four core areas;

2. with a strong commitment to quality, accountability and integrity;

3. working together and with others effectively to mobilize support and have a greater impact within communities served.

The regional office is mainly focusing its support at country level, with tailored approaches based on National Society priorities, plans and requests.

For further information please contact:

Anne E. LECLERC, Head of Regional Office for North Africa, Tel: +216 98 33 77 24 - Fax: +216 71 86 29 71
Evgeni PARFENOV, Regional Officer, MENA Department, Federation Secretariat Tel: +41 22 730 4325 - Fax +41 22 733 03 95

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