On April 4, Qadhafi forces continued attacking the western Libya opposition stronghold of Misratah, according to international media sources. Wounded residents evacuated from the city reported increasing numbers of casualties, with no electricity, running water, or sufficient medical supplies available. International media reports also indicate that opposition forces advanced on the eastern town of Brega, Libya, where pro-Qadhafi and opposition forces have been clashing for control of the city during the past week.
To date, relief agencies continue to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants along the Tunisia–Libya and Egypt–Libya borders. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have not identified any urgent humanitarian concerns in eastern Libya, while information about needs in western Libya remains limited.
On April 1, two health kits—each containing medical supplies to treat 10,000 people for three months—and two trauma kits—each containing supplies for 100 surgical operations and 10 days of post-operations care—purchased by USAID's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) arrived in Cairo, Egypt. A USAID/OFDA grantee will transport the kits to eastern Libya.
USAID and the U.S. Department of State are providing $47 million for the Libya complex emergency. In addition, the U.S. Government (USG) has provided military in-kind assistance to transport 1,158 Egyptians from Tunisia to Egypt via U.S. C-130s, valued at nearly $1.1 million.