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Algeria + 4 more

Impacts of Environmental Changes on Mixed Migration to Europe: Insights from Flow Monitoring Surveys in Italy, Malta and Spain (2024)


The objective of this factsheet is to provide insights into the direct and indirect effects that environmental change may have on the considerations and realities of migrants. It does so by investigating new data available from Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) conducted with migrants travelling along mixed migration routes to Europe from January to September 2024, where a set of specific climate-related questions was introduced. The structure is threefold. First, the sociodemographic profile of the sample is presented, elaborating on the routes the respondents have travelled. Second, findings on different environmental aspects included in the survey are presented disaggregated by route. Third, Algeria, a country particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and among main origin countries for migrants arriving in Spain, serves as a case study that illustrates migrants’ rationale of leaving in response to environmental shifts.