A. Situation analysis
Description of the disaster
Heavy rainfall affected the territory of Albania since 30 November 2017. In some areas the density of rain was 130 mm for two uninterrupted hours. The rivers levels have been rapidly increasing, the water channels were blocked by debris streams, leading to floods in urban and densely populated areas.
Based on the bulletin issued by the Albania’s Geosciences Energy, Water and Environment Institute forecasting heavy rains for period November 29 to December 4, 2017, the Directory for Civil Emergency issued an early warning to population for causing flooding and landslides. The Central Government ordered the establishment of Emergency Management Commissions across the country in response to the situation and all structures police, army units, emergency response teams to be on full alert. In addition, the Ministry of Education has suspended the school activities in entire country. Thanks to those early warning and measures taken by respective governmental structures there were no single lives lost and number evacuated people on their own from these areas was higher compare to the previous flood events.
The rainfall is still intense and spreading particularly to the southern part of Albania. On 2 December 2017, the Vjosa, Devoll, Osum, and Seman rivers have overflowed their banks causing huge flooding in several areas endangering also some major national highways.
The populated areas most affected by the rivers overflowed are the following: Fushë- Krujë, Ura e Gjoles, Murqine, Vore, Kamez, Laprake, Darzeze, Jaru, Bishtan, Ferras, Kashisht, Martin, Novosele, Bishan, Mifol, Fitore, Ure Vajgurore, Korce, and Gjirokaster.
The Civil Emergency Structures, the Military Units and State Police are continuing the evacuation the most vulnerable families in the three most affected areas of Vlora, Fier and Fushë-Krujë and have started repairing the damaged Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) Albania: Floods Flooded house in Tirana. Photo: Albanian Red Cross infrastructure. So far, 596 families have been evacuated, who are accommodated to sport premises/halls, school dormitories or at their relatives.
Official figures provided by the governmental structures shows that 3,340 houses are flooded, 65 bridges are collapsed, and 56 public schools are damaged, while 15,000 ha land is under water. In some areas, the water was not suitable for drinking; while the electricity is cut off in same of the affected areas.
According to the preliminary information provided by the 18 Red Cross branches which are operating in the flooded areas, approximately 4,700 families or approximately 21,0000 people have been affected by the floods, however, according to the updated assessment, about 2,000 families have been identified as severely affected with considerable losses. The affected families have lost mostly their winter food reserves and partly their livestock, home furniture and electro-domestic devices.
In addition, daily information received by the branches shows there is no need for Restoring Family Links services as the evacuated families are accommodated mostly to their relatives, while the communication network was wellfunctioning