TIRANË, ALBANIA - The Adventist
Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is feeding vulnerable Albanian nationals
throughout the year 2000 as a continued agreement with the World Food Programme
(WFP) following the Kosovo crisis in 1999.
"The international response to
the Kosovo crisis was tremendous and the repatriation of Kosovars was rapid,
leaving a large amount of food aid left in the country," says Donaldo
Sicalo, ADRA Albania country director. "There are also a large number
of vulnerable hungry nationals in the country and the development community
as a whole turned their attention towards these people."
ADRA was one of the leading organizations distributing WFP-funded food aid to refugees during the Kosovo crisis. After food and other aid was depleted WFP realized the importance of continuing the aid to this country and offered ADRA a continued contract, according to Sicalo. Typical food rations throughout the year will include flour, sugar, salt, beans, oil, and other items.
ADRA will distribute the food rations during the year using a number of U.S. government excess property trucks available for acquisition in Germany. The trucks were located with the assistance of the United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID). ADRA also purchased sleeping bags, tarpaulins, lanterns, shoes, shovels and other items from the government excess property program, which will be used in the ADRA-related health programs in Albania.
ADRA is an independent, humanitarian agency established with the specific purpose of individual and community development and disaster relief in more than 120 countries worldwide. To make a donation, please call ADRA International's toll-free number 1-800-424-ADRA (2372).