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Afghanistan + 1 more

WHO Afghanistan Monthly Programme Update: November 2017, Emergency Humanitarian Action



  • Conflict continued to displace families and individuals, which created pressure on health services around the country in November 2017. Due to the newly increased number of IDPs from Khogiani district in the Eastern region, the host communities of the surrounding areas were stretched with patients.

  • Number of closed health facilities was increased in the southern region due to the deteriorated security situation.

  • In the eastern region, emergency health services were provided to a total of 6,432 IDPs by partners (AADA, PU-AMI) in November.

  • In addition, 25,020 returnees and IDPs received outpatient services.

  • WHO maintained emergency health services at zero point Torkham through a health center administered by WHO, UNFPA and AADA as well as via fixed health facilities in the region.

  • A total of 164 families (739 individuals) of documented returnees returned to Afghanistan through Spin Boldak gate from Pakistan.

  • A total of 281 patients were treated by UNHCR encashment center health facility with medicines provided by WHO.


  • Wazir Akhbar Khan National Hospital in Kabul planned a simulation based on Mass casualty management plan (MCM) with the support of WHO.

  • WHO conducted an awareness campaign on waterborne diseases in six districts of Badakhshan.

  • An MCM simulation was conducted in Moqur distict hospital and Faryab provincial hospital.

  • Chlorine solution was distributed to 913 households in Laghman province for the purification of drinking water.

  • A sub-national polio vaccination campaign was conducted in November, and it targeted 1,786,801 children under five years old.

  • Supplementary emergency health kits, trauma kits and one complete cholera kit was donated in different regions as part of needs-based contingency plan, in order to prepare for covering any expected emergency and mass causality incidences and as a part of the winterization plan.