High Profile Operations
Many high profile operations also face critical pipeline breaks in the next three months.
PRRO 10427.0 - Post Conflict Relief and Rehabilitation in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
January 06 - December 08
Shortfalls over next 6 months (mt)(1)
Blended Food
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Resourcing US$
Beneficiary Needs
Total Mobilised
Shortfall %
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Tot. Project |
2007 |
The combination of two decades of war, civil unrest and recurring natural disasters in one of the world's poorest countries requires WFP's presence in Afghanistan through a PRRO and a Special Operation. The PRRO will support 6.6 million Afghans in food-insecure areas through various activities, including food for work, food for training and food for education.
- Severe weather conditions, like the recent rains and floods, cause major challenges for WFP and other UN agencies in delivering humanitarian relief to needy populations. Heavy rain is blocking roads and restricting populations' access to markets and other social services while seriously hampering food deliveries.
- A joint assessment mission has recommended assistance, including food aid, to 1,400 families recently deported from Iran and who have now settled in Farah Centre. In the coming days WFP food despatched from Kandahar will also reach Zaranj, the main entry point into Afghanistan for families being deported from Iran. This assistance aims to provide those transiting for 24 to 48 hours with meals prior to departing for more permanent residence in the interior.
- In most parts of the country insecurity remains a major challenge for delivering food to populations who need it. On May 15 three commercial trucks carrying WFP food to Herat were attacked by gunmen in the Bakwa district of Farah province, the cargo looted and the drivers abducted. The following day, a fourth truck was attacked and the food looted in the same area. The total food lost amounts to 150 mt. The abducted drivers and trucks were later released.
- While the immediate needs for biscuits have been moderated with recent dispatches of high energy biscuits (HEB) from the Government of India, a concern remains for the latter half of the year. On-going insurgency activities will increase the number of affected IDPs in the coming spring. The lack of assistance will negatively affect the resettlement assistance to those IDPs who do not normally have other income generation activities.
- For the next six months the overall operation still remains underfunded. Long lead time from contribution to food delivery, delays in export permissions (for Pakistan wheat), and insecurity further hinder WFP's response.
(1) "Other" commodities are salt, sugar, canned meat, and any additional commodities that are not generally part of the WFP food basket.