This week 's report covers the following sectors/countries:
Sectors: Agriculture, Education, Food, Health, Mine Action, Protection / Human Rights / Rule of Law, Refugees and IDPs, Security, Shelter and Non-food Items, Water & Sanitation
This report includes:
(A) Highlights
(B) Middle East,Central Asia and Eastern Europe: (1) Afghanistan (2) Iran (3) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (4) Pakistan
(C) East & Central Africa: (1) Burundi (2) Congo, DR (3) Djibouti (4) Eritrea (5) Ethiopia (6) Kenya (7) Rwanda (8) Somalia (9) Sudan (10) Tanzania (11) Uganda
(D) West Africa: (1) Cote d'Ivoire (2) Liberia
(E) Southern Africa: (1) Angola (2) Lesotho (3) Malawi (4) Mozambique (5) Namibia (6) Swaziland (7) Zimbabwe
(F) Asia: (1) Bangladesh (2) Indonesia (3) Korea (DPR) (4) Maldives (5) Myanmar (6) Sri Lanka
(G) Latin America and Caribbean: (1) Bolivia (2) Colombia (3) Guatemala (4) Peru
(A) Highlights
(a) WFP is revising its programming allocations under Sudan Emergency Operation EMOP 10048.3 from June to December 2005, taking into account significantly increased needs in the East, the central belt and the South, during the hunger gap.
(b) The humanitarian situation in northern Uganda remains worrying. Findings of a WFP Emergency Food Security Assessment carried out in internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps indicate that IDPs will continue to require relief assistance.
(c) FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions visited Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Lesotho and Swaziland in April-May this year. FAO's early production estimates indicate that the 2005 cereal harvests are sharply reduced by drought in Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. Reduction in total production is also forecast for Angola, Mozambique and Botswana compared to the outputs in 2004. In result an increase in number of people in need of food assistance between June 2005 and March 2006 is expected.
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