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Afghanistan + 40 more

WFP Emergency Report No. 21 of 2005


This week 's report covers the following sectors/countries:

Sectors: Agriculture, Coordination and Support Services, Education, Food, Health, Infrastructure and Rehabilitation, Protection / Human Rights / Rule of Law, Refugees and IDPs, Security, Shelter and Non-food Items, Water & Sanitation

(A) Highlights

(B) Middle East,Central Asia and Eastern Europe: (1) Afghanistan (2) Georgia (3) Kyrghizstan (4) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (5) Pakistan (6) Russian Federation (Caucasus) (7) Uzbekistan

(C) East & Central Africa: (1) Burundi (2) Congo (3) Congo, DR (4) Ethiopia (5) Rwanda (6) Somalia (7) Sudan (8) Tanzania (9) Uganda

(D) West Africa: (1) Regional (2) Benin (3) Burkina Faso (4) Cote d'Ivoire (5) Ghana (6) Guinea (7) Liberia (8) Mali (9) Mauritania (10) Niger (11) Togo

(E) Southern Africa: (1) Regional (2) Angola (3) Lesotho (4) Malawi (5) Mozambique (6) Namibia (7) Swaziland (8) Zambia (9) Zimbabwe

(F) Asia: (1) Indonesia (2) Korea (DPR) (3) Maldives (4) Myanmar (5) Sri Lanka

(G) Latin America and Caribbean: (1) Central America (2) Bolivia (3) Colombia (4) Cuba (5) El Salvador (6) Guatemala (7) Nicaragua

(A) Highlights

(a) WFP in Central America is closely monitoring the need for any support that might be required in view of potential indirect consequences of Hurricane Adrian.

(b) Violent riots in Afghanistan have led to the relocation of international WFP and other UN staff from Jalal Abad to Kabul.

(c) In response to the displacements of people fleeing from Togo to Benin and Ghana, WFP launched Immediate Response Emergency Operations both in Benin and Ghana during the first week of May. Distributions started the same week from stocks available in-country.

(d) Assessments by WFP, Action Contre la Faim and others indicate an alarming global acute malnutrition rate in Sania Afandy, South Darfur, and a sharply deteriorating food security situation in central and government-controlled areas in southern Sudan.

(e) Increased incidents of ambushes along the Ed Daein and Nyala road, South Darfur, resulted in transporters being reluctant to transport food without African Union/military escorts.

(f) WFP is distributing emergency food to people in Georgia that were affected by floods in the month of April.

(g) WFP provided food assistance is supporting families affected by EBOLA in Republic of Congo.

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