In Numbers
14 million people facing acute food insecurity including 2 million children at risk of malnutrition. Emergency levels of acute malnutrition exist in 27 of 34 provinces.
592,500 people internally displaced by conflict since January, in addition to 2.9 million before the year had begun, 3 of which 80 percent are women and children.
153,840 confirmed COVID-19 cases.
6.4 million beneficiaries reached by WFP since the start of 2021.
WFP is committed to stay and deliver, with plans to scale up assistance to reach a total of 14 million people in 2021 (an increase of almost 5 million from 2020).
WFP needs US $200 million now to cover the needs for the period September to December 2021.
WFP’s staff, partners and trucks remain operational, accessing vulnerable communities from six field offices.
Situation Update
More than 93 percent of households consumed insufficient food in the past week according to the latest WFP phone surveys. Three out of four families are now limiting portions, borrowing food and buying cheaper food to stretch their budget. One half of all household surveyed said they had run out of food at some point in the past 14 days.
The country is on the brink of economic collapse. International financial institutions have suspended Afghanistan’s access to funds, the local currency is at an all-time low.
Drought has claimed 40 percent of the wheat crop, increasing the national deficit to 2.5 million mt.
Food and fuel prices continue to rise, wheat is up almost 20 percent since July and fuel by 10 percent. Jobs are disappearing at a rapid pace, and the terms of trade between casual labour and wheat are at record lows.