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WFP Afghanistan: Situation Report #2 - 2 September 2021


In Numbers

14 million people acutely food insecure including:

2 million children at risk of malnutrition. Emergency levels of acute malnutrition exist in 27 of 34 provinces.

570,500 people internally displaced by conflict since January, in addition to over 3 million before 2021, of which 80 percent are women and children.

153,148 confirmed COVID-19 cases.

6.4 million people reached by WFP since the start of 2021.

2.4 million mt wheat deficit following a La Niña impacted harvest.


• Afghanistan is facing an economic crisis as the price of everyday items skyrocket.

• WFP is committed to stay and deliver, with plans to scale up assistance to to reach a total of 13.5 million people in 2021 (an increase of almost 5 million from 2020).

• WFP needs US$ 200 million to address the sharp escalation of needs across the country until the end of the year.

• Despite the volatile situation, WFP’s trucks remain on the road, and WFP still has access to most of the country from its six field offices, including areas experiencing active fighting.

Situation Update

• The country is now on the brink of an economic collapse. International financial institutions have suspended Afghanistan’s access to funds, the local currency is at an all-time low, and the price of everyday items has surged. The internal banking system is largely frozen and international transfer companies have suspended services, making it challenging for the entire country to access cash for food and household supplies.

• The United States troops completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years of military intervention, meeting the 31 August deadline. With the conclusion of evacuation flights, neighbouring countries are preparing for a potential influx of hundreds of thousands of new refugees.

• The situation remains tense in Kabul, particularly following the airport attacks and the US drone strike which aimed to prevent another attack.

• Hunger is expected to continue mounting as wheat and other food prices climb, the meagre harvest season ends, and the harsh Afghan winter begins to set in.