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Afghanistan + 1 more

UNICEF Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Report No. 07 - 1 – 31 July 2024



  • On 15 and 16 July, heavy windstorms, severe rainfall and flash floods struck multiple districts in eastern and northeastern Afghanistan (Badakhshan, Kunar, Laghman, Nangarhar, and Nuristan provinces), resulting in 40 fatalities and 251 injuries, and significant infrastructure damages.
  • UNICEF continued to support the delivery of basic and essential healthcare services at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels in all 34 provinces through 2,390 static health facilities. More than 6.6 million people were reached with essential health services, of which around 30 per cent were children under five.
  • UNICEF supported 54,087 people with access to safe drinking water in eight provinces during the reporting period.
  • 559,696 children and caregivers (20 per cent girls and women), including 354 children with disabilities, accessed child protection prevention, risk mitigation, and response services in July.