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Afghanistan + 2 more

UNHCR Afghanistan: Priority Areas of Return and Reintegration - (As of August 2020)


Priority Areas of Return and Reintegration (PARRs)

The Priority Areas for of Return and Reintegration are a key a component of UNHCR’s work to support the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with strengthening essential facilities and services in communities where Afghan refugees are returning to.

The Government of the Afghanistan’s Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) and UNHCR have identified 20 priority areas of return and reintegration where returnees are living side by side with displaced people and local communities. The objective is to strengthen essential services and facilities in the PARRs through an area-based multi-sectoral multistakeholder humanitarian-development-peace investment to support durable solutions and create conducive conditions for the sustainable reintegration of returnees by working with diverse actors (government, development actors, private sector, CSOs, CBOs etc.) for Collective Outcomes and in Delivering as One.

The projects fall within the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) and its support platform, a regional initiative, which envisages a future in which displaced Afghans might finally return to their homeland permanently and prosper.

Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) interventions in PARRs range from cash assistance and in-kind support; improving access to safe shelter, land, and documentation; improving livelihoods opportunities and self-reliance through value chain investment and entrepreneurial support; developing public and economic infrastructure including schools, health clinics, community centres, roads, irrigation canals, water networks etc.; and promoting the inclusion of returnees in decisionmaking structures.