UNHCR has assisted close to 115,600 Afghan returnees from Pakistan, including 74,300 Proof of Registration (PoR) Card holders, since September 2023. Approximately 49% of the assisted individuals are women and girls, and 2.5% of the total assisted beneficiaries have disabilities. \Between 15 September 2023 and 31 October 2024, over 758,000 Afghans have returned to Afghanistan. Of households assisted, at least one in four are headed by women, and approximately 31% of returnees intend to return to five provincial capitals (Kabul, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Kunduz, and Mazar-e-Sharif).
In 2024, an average of 23,000 have returned in each of the past two months. Some 6,800 individuals have been deported so far in 2024. Trends show a continuous decrease since July (970) however October (over 830) records an increase compared to September (580). Over 7,100 have been arrested or detained in Pakistan this year. October alone recorded some 800 arrests/detentions.