Livelihoods Approach
The livelihood approach in Afghanistan is designed to enhance self-reliance, socio-economic inclusion, and sustainable integration of forcibly displaced, returnee and host communities in the Priority Areas of Return and Reintegration (PARRs). This multifaceted approach prioritizes the empowerment of individuals, households, groups and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), by bolstering their capabilities as well as resource and asset base. It encompasses facilitating insertion of the target groups in identified value chains (value-chain development) using market-based approaches and enhancing capabilities through technical, vocational and education training (TVET) and other employability enhancement schemes. It also includes promoting access to formal and self-employment opportunities, development of micro-small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and enhancing access to financial and non-financial assets.
The livelihood approach also aims to promote the inclusion of the targeted populations in interventions of partners, harnessing their expertise and resources, and undertaking joint advocacy to create a more enabling environment for reintegration efforts to establish partnerships focus on a diverse range of stakeholders, including UN agencies, NGOs, and private sector, among others, in line with the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants, the Global Compact on Refugees, and the attendant Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and UNHCR’s Global Strategy for Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion 2023 – 2027.
Scope of interventions
Promoting the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): MSMEs play an important role in catalysing economic activity and thus creating income generation and employment opportunities. The operation focuses on supporting the establishment and growth of MSMEs run by the targeted populations especially women and youth, who are currently the worst hit by the economic situation. The operation provides training and capacity building, start-up and expansion grants and assets, among other activities.
Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET): Technical, vocational and life skills are critical for not only securing formal employment but also to the promotion of self-employment, thus providing a firm foundation for longer-term income generation and self-reliance. The provision of TVET is thus geared towards enhancing employability and upskilling of the targeted populations for formal and self-employment, with due attention to skills demand in the jobs market and growth sectors.
Insertion of the targeted populations in identified value-chains: UNHCR implements a market-based livelihoods approach focusing on economic activities and income-generating opportunities that are driven by market demand and dynamics. This approach aims to empower forcibly displaced-owned enterprises, individuals, and communities by facilitating their insertion in selected value chains, supporting capacity development, and connecting them to viable market opportunities, thus enabling them to produce goods and provide services that meet market needs.
Promoting access to finance: Access to finance, either through inclusion in the formal financial services sector or interventions such as savings and lending groups, is an important component of the livelihood approach. The approach recognizes that access to finance contributes to household production and consumption, thus improving the livelihood and income generation opportunities for the forcibly displaced, returnees and host communities, reducing dependency, and restoring their dignity.
Provision Temporary Employment: To support access to income to meet immediate needs, for the unemployed, the operation provides temporary employment through cash for work. In addition to providing an income, cash for work enables the targeted forcibly displaced to contribute to community investments, including infrastructure development.