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Toward solving the problem of drinking water

Contract for the first phase of water supply network in Qala Naw capital of Badghis province was signed at a cost of USD one hundred and ten thousand.

Based on this contract which was signed by the Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and Director of Afghan Edara construction company, consolidation and digging of water wells shall commence in Hamal month of 1391, in the second phase safe drinking water will distribute from Qadis district for 60 thousand residents of Qala Naw city and its suburbs through extended distributer network.

H.E Jarullah Mansoori, Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development before the signing of the contract said:

Council of Ministers of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan tasked the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development to establish the source of drinking water in Badghis province in coordination with relevant ministries and build a water supply network to meet future needs of Qala Naw city residents for 35 years in term of safe drinking water.

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development through dispatching of trained Engineers of Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Program (RuWATSIP) and by the cooperation of Rural Rehabilitation and Development Department of Badghis province could able to establish the proper place in consideration of the population that will increase in the coming years and in coordination with the Ministry of Mines in the Qadis district which is located at a distance of 35 kilometers from Qala Naw. These processes include digging and consolidation of water wells, construction of reservoir and extension of pipes, pipe racing and arrangement of water distribution system.

During the survey, design and estimation it was decided that the project will cost USD 14 million. After the frequent contacts of MRRD leadership with representatives of Spain government, they expressed their preparedness to pay the estimated fund. At the end of this ceremony Honorable Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development answered to the questions of journalists.