Sayed Hussain Alemi Balkhy minister of Refugees and Repatriations in inauguration program appreciated from WFP and Kabul governor for distribution of the contribution for poor families.
He has emphasized that the distribution of humanitarian contribution through the scope program can be transparency for recognition of the vulnerable families.
Till two years 7million deserving people will register via the scope program said: Minister of Refugees and Repatriation. He named the distribution of humanitarian contribution effective via the scope program and continuing of this program is better for their livelihood.
At this time Muhammad Yaqoub Haidari governor of the Kabul province has recognized these assistance on time for the vulnerable families "in consideration of the high number of displaced and returnee’s families and these assistance might be useful for their hard problems.”
Also the delegation of the WFP modified the contribution of the humanitarian assistance in this three stages is very transparency for the poor people via the scope program. “the first contribution beginning in Nangarhar and Kandahar provinces and the elementary process has begun in Kabul province” said.
The delegation of WFP has stated “for the deserving families through the scope program might be contributed the specified card” in the base of the specified card humanitarian assistance will be contributed”
Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations (MoRR) with co-operation of WFP through the scope program have contributed cash assistance for 9600 poor families.
The distributed contribution for every of this family is 2285Af in three process the total is 6855Af will be contributed.
Distribution of these contribution in Kabul province is for 9600 families in Nangarhar province for 1000 families in Kandahar province for 1000 families will be contributed.
Meanwhile, WFP during 2017 has been distributed cash assistance for 57142 deserving families and for 6500 children special nutrition material towards the feed distribution.