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Swedish support to Afghanistan

The Government has decided today to make a contribution of SEK 50 million to a fund to solve the problem of Afghanistan's overdue debts to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (IDA).

The overdue payments are for loans taken out in the 1970s and 1980s by the regime then in power in the country. The Swedish contribution to solving Afghanistan's debt problems is part of a coordinated action by donors that will open the way to broader, deeper and more long-term cooperation between Afghanistan, the IMF and the IDA.

"Prompt and effective measures to get reconstruction under way and the economy going as soon as possible are needed to lay the foundation for a lasting peace in the country and in the region more generally. This in turn will enable the government of Afghanistan to take serious steps to tackle poverty in the country", says Minister for Development Cooperation, Migration and Asylum Policy Jan O. Karlsson in a comment.

Stefan Isaksson
Deputy Director
08-405 58 04

Oscar Schlyter
Desk Officer
08-405 22 76

Gufran Al-nadaf
Press Officer
08-405 57 18