Main Findings:
The United Nations launched an ȉ an appeal on 1 October for over US$ 20 million to help up to one million drought-affected people in Syria for a period of six months. So far the Appeal is only 9.7% funded.
The UN's Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) appealed in September for US$43 million for temporary services such as emergency food rations and shelter for the victims of the Nahr El Bared camp fighting in Lebanon, but so far only the United States has come forward with a firm pledge of US$4.3 million.
Over US$88 million in aid was given by countries in the MENACA region in the 3rd Quarter. The vast majority of this was a contribution to the World Bank by Kuwait towards a multi-donor trust fund in support of Palestinians.

Financial Tracking Service (FTS)
OCHA's Financial Tracking Service (FTS) is a global, real-time database that records all reported international humantiarian aid, including that for UN Agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, bilateral aid, in-kind aid, and private donations. FTS features a special focus on Consolidated Appeals and Flash Appeals because they cover the major humanitarian crises and because their funding requirements are well defined – which allows FTS to indicate to what extent populations in crisis receive humanitarian aid in proportion to needs.
All FTS data are provided by donors or recipient organisations. Reporting is easy and it provides visibility for everyone. More importantly, a welldefined picture of needs and gaps contributes to a more coordinated approach to humanitarian assistsance and helps to identify where funding gaps exist. FTS offers a series of standard tables that show humanitarian aid flows in various formats and also allows users to produce custom financial tables on demand. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact the FTS team at
Many thanks to all who have reported funding and we look forward to hearing from the rest of you.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit