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Afghanistan + 23 more

Polio this week as of 17 September 2020


  • The Polio Oversight Board (POB) held its second meeting of the year virtually to discuss the programme’s financial requirements for 2021, to receive an update on the recommendations of the GPEI Governance Review and to consider a proposal to develop a new polio programme strategy. Read more on the meeting.

  • When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the acute challenges it posed to both polio and immunization activities presented an unprecedented opportunity to coordinate and reimagine collaboration. Given the new context, the focus of the work shifted to develop an interim Programme of Work for Integrated Actions in the context of COVID-19 (iPOW). The draft iPOW summarizes the current level of integration between GPEI and EPI and, more importantly, identifies critical actions across key priority areas of work to drive synergies and materialize efficiency gains by building on initiatives accelerated by COVID-19 to ensure a successful resumption of all immunization activities. iPOW is open for stakeholder consultation until October 1st, 2020.

  • The GPEI established an nOPV2 Working Group to manage and coordinate the rapid and effective rollout of nOPV2. The group includes representatives from each of the GPEI partner organizations and focuses on research, regulatory, supply, communications, policy, and implementation readiness activities. Take a look at an updated information sheet detailing the structures and linkages of the Working Group.

Summary of new WPV and cVDPV viruses this week (AFP cases and ES positives):

  • Afghanistan: two WPV1 cases, one WPV1 positive environmental sample and ninecVDPV2 cases

  • Pakistan: two WPV1 cases, eight WPV1 positive environmental samples and sevencVDPV2 cases

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo): nine cVDPV2 cases

  • Somalia: one cVDPV2 case and two positive environmental samples

  • Sudan: one cVDPV2 case

  • Mali: one cVDPV2 positive environmental sample

  • Central African Republic: one cVDPV2 case

See country sections below for more details.