Mission East-Afghanistan provided cash assistance to 1,470 vulnerable households in Darwazbala, Drayem, Khash, and Raghistan districts of Badakhshan province under its “AHF Winterization B” project. Each household received a total of 28,797 AFN in one instalment from February 1 to May 30, 2023.
To determine the satisfaction level of beneficiaries and measure household food consumption, Mission East's MEAL team conducted a Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) survey in 28 villages across the four districts of Badakhshan province from June 1 to June 25, 2022. The survey was conducted through one-on-one interviews with 187 randomly selected households, with a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 7%. The survey covered demographic information, vulnerability status, livelihood and income information, satisfaction and accountability, and cash management and food consumption status of the target households. The survey covered demographic, vulnerability, livelihood, income, satisfaction, accountability, cash expenditure and food consumption aspects of the target households. The main findings are:
The main findings of the survey are as follows:
Most of the respondents were male (78%), long-term residents (97%) and male-headed households (87%).
About a third of the households had elderly heads (32%), a quarter had disabled members (25%), and a fifth had pregnant women (19%).
The main livelihood sources were farming on other people's forms (46%) and daily labor (43%), with an average monthly income of 3438 AFN.
Almost all the beneficiaries were satisfied with the service and products (99%), the complaint and feedback mechanism (100%), and the treatment by Mission East staff (100%).
The cash assistance was mostly received by husbands (67%) and spent on food (33%) and loan payback (29%).
The money lasted for 3 months for 46% of the households, and 1 month for 39%. After the money was finished, 35% slipped back to the old poverty cycle, while 65% improved their livelihood conditions.
More than half of the households received other types of support from the government and other INGOs (57%). Most of them preferred to receive all types of support in the future (57%).
The majority of the households had acceptable food consumption (78%), while 7% had poor food consumption
The project had a positive impact on the food consumption intake of the target household. The baseline data showed that 35% of the household had acceptable food consumption while the endline data showed that 78% of the target household had acceptable food consumption.