I. Background
In September-December 2018, CCD undertook a provincial mapping exercise as part of its joint project with BAAG, funded by UKAid Direct, entitled Enabling rights for persons with disability through effective awareness raising and advocacy.
The provincial mapping aimed to engage DPOs from across Afghanistan in order to better understand how many exist, where they are located, what types of services they are able to provide and with what reach. This has never been done before and the data collected would assist in establishing the first ever comprehensive database of DPOs in Afghanistan, provide information on the location and capacities of current DPOs, including their capacities in advocacy and potential for feeding into national initiatives on disability rights. As part of the review and re-launch of Disability Rights Watch Afghanistan (DRWA), they will be linked up with the new DPO database, evaluating the existing advocacy capacities, opportunities, and gaps in the provinces, with the view to expand and strengthen the coalition and its membership. This will strengthen knowledge about DPOs in Afghanistan leading to improved coordination between themselves and with the DRWA.