The government of Japan has launched this
initiative to support regional comprehensive development in Afghanistan.
This initiative is designed to grope to the desirable modality of comprehensive
development for the reconstruction, and to achieve seamless transition
form humanitarian assistance to recovery and reconstruction assistance
as soon as possible.
Overall objective of this initiative
is to arrange and implement definite and feasible projects emphasizing
regional recovery and community empowerment, through the UN and other agencies,
under the ownership of the Afghanistan Transitional Authority (ATA), with
the aim to achieve capacity building of the ATA and enhancement of cooperation
between the ATA and regional authorities.
1. Concept of Sadako Ogata, Special Representative of the Prime Minister of Japan for Afghanistan Assistance
(1) Seamless transition from humanitarian assistance to recovery and reconstruction assistance
- It is essential to avoid any gap during
the transition from humanitarian assistance to reconstruction assistance.
- One year period until reconstruction assistance come to the ground is crucial and particular attention is required to recovery assistance. - Phased review to find out appropriate
assistance measure to respond urgent needs.
- One year period will be divided into several phases. Multi-tiered step-by-step assistance will be implemented. - Specific programs which meet the purpose
of this initiative and could be implemented timely by mainly United Nations
agencies will be picked up and supported.
- It is important to conduct aid coordination among the implementing organizations and to call for assistance also from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and bilateral donors.
(2) Comprehensive development plan for priority regions
- Create model regions for comprehensive
development towards the reconstruction of Afghanistan and call for other
- Thee priority regions have been identified; surrounding areas of Kandahar, Jalalabad and Mazar-i-Sharif. - Review into comprehensive assistance
emphasized on regional recovery and community empowerment.
- Emphasis on recovery assistance, sustainable assistance and income generation, rather than on humanitarian assistance. - Review into appropriate assistance package
including multiple sectors tailored to meet specific needs of each region.
- Incorporating the reintegration of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), anti-narcotics measures, and mine actions.
Current Status and Future Strategy
(1) Phase 1 (under implementation since August, totaling approx. US$27 million)
- Focusing on assistance for the reintegration of refugees and IDPs, activities are ongoing by the following agencies
- UNHCR (provision of shelter
materials, potable water, crop production, etc.)
- UNICEF (Distribution of educational items for children and teachers,
provision of temporary educational facilities, etc.)
- ICRC (Distribution of food to inaccessible areas)
(2) Phase 2 (Currently under consideration, expected to be kicked off at the beginning of November)
- To be expanded to regional comprehensive
development, targeting local communities in addition to refugees and IDPs.
- Following programs are under consideration;
income generation, medical care, sanitation and capacity building for education,
labor-intensive projects (rehabilitation of basic infrastructure); and
mine actions, etc.
- Following agencies will implement programs;
UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UN/Habitat, UNOPS/MACA (the United Nations Mine Action
Center for Afghanistan), and ICRC, etc.
- In addition, the following assistance has already been decided for the Kandahar region:
Reconstruction of a principal road between Kabul and Kandahar by Japan,
the USA and Saudi Arabia
- Reconstruction of a road between Kandahar and Spin Boldak by the ADB
utilizing JFPR (Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction)
- Various assistance projects is being implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) inside and around Kandahar city.
(3) Subsequent phases
- Based on the progress of program implementation
up to Phase 2, phased review will be conducted to find out appropriate
programs to be launched by summer 2003.
- Evaluating the regional situation and genuine needs, appropriate programs will be implemented in a timely manner.
Aid Coordination
(1) UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan) will supervise the related agencies and coordinate the overall programs.
- Following up the regional situation,
UNAMA will provide guidance to all related agencies.
- UNAMA will also coordination the implementation with Afghanistan Transitional Authority and local authorities.
(2) Practical aid coordination will be ensured by mainly UNHCR, UNICEF and WFP
- Coordination meeting will be held in
Kabul as well as in each region.
- Implementing agencies will share information and cooperate for aid coordination, thus achieving effective and strategic partnership.
(3) Regular consultation meeting will be held at the Embassy of Japan
- At the Embassy of Japan in Kabul, regular
consultation meeting will be held to follow up the progress of activities
by each agency.
- In addition, all stakeholders will exchange information and views on regional situations, thus pursuing more effective assistance.