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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Situation Report #03, April 2014



• In response to heavy rain fall which, caused large scale flooding in northern provinces of Afghanistan, WFP distributed some 1,000 mt of emergency food assistance to flood affected people in the area. In addition, WFP also assisted over 700 families (49,000 beneficiaries) affected by massive landslides in the Argo district of Badakshan province. WFP also plans to carry-out assets creation and assets rehabilitation activities in communities in which infrastructure was destroyed by the floods.

• WFP is ready and has sufficient food stocks available for distribution to any further emergencies in the area. However, WFP faces a shortfall, and still needs US$50 million to ensure the continuation of relief and recovery activities to the end of the year 2014.

• In May, WFP launched its pilot e-voucher programme for the first time in Afghanistan. The e-voucher pilot will assist over 3,600 people in Kabul for three months (May –July).

Situation Update

• Humanitarian access is a key operational concern. For all aid organizations, the fluctuating security situation has continuously changed the operating environment and humanitarian access in Afghanistan. For WFP, this presents a constant challenge in the provision of food and nutrition assistance to vulnerable groups.

• After the first round of elections in April, and due to the unpredictability of the second round of the presidential elections, which will take place around 14 June, the Country Office (CO) is actively exploring ways to ensure that security constraints do not negatively affect the programme activities.