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IMWG Meeting Minutes (11 July 2023) Core IMWG meeting


Location: OCHA Conference Room and Virtual Teams Meeting room

Date and Time: 11 July 2023 - 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Participants: Cluster IM from ES-NFI, FSAC, Health, WASH, GBV, Protection

Chair: Alam Khan


ACBAR (Sharifa Mahmoodi)

DFID (Tareq Dababneh)

IOM (Henry Kwenin, Ahmad Shoiab Almas)

OCHA (Alam Khan, Sandeep, Murtaza, Tamara Pulita, Ana Maria)

REACH (Teresa Schwarz, Bildad Yegon)

UNHCR (Max Martial Kolaba Amboto, Cleophas Fundai Tavaya, Venkateswarlu Dheeravath)

UNICEF (Alexandra Karkouli, Wahdatullah Momand, Kamaluddin Yahya Yakubu)

UNFPA (Bidita Tithi)

WHO (Mohammad Mutasem, Hassibullah Fakhri)

WFP (Herve Sorrel) (Anton)


  1. Introductions (All, 5 mins)

  2. New Assessment Register tool from - Presentation (OCHA HQ/, 15 mins)

  3. UN-APTF discussions on the TORs and way forward (All, 20 mins) (Current draft TORs attached)

  4. Rural and urban population Analysis update + JIAF HRP update (OCHA, 15 mins)

  5. National and Regional reporting requirements discussion (UNICEF/ALL, 10 mins)

  6. Clusters, DTM updates, REACH (All, 20 mins)

  7. AOBs: (All, 5 mins)


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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