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Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) Weekly Summary Report From 4 to 10 July 2013


Incidents Update:

During the reporting period two natural disaster incident were reported.

East Region:

Nangarhar Province: On 7 July, IRC reported river bank erosion occurred in 3rd District of Jalalabad city on 27 June. The joint assessment team comprised of IOM, IRC, and ANDMA identified on 7 July four families in need of food and NFIs. IRC will provide NFIs and two tents, while WFP will assist with the provision of food.

Central Highland Region:

Bamyan Province: On 1 July, flash flood incident affected an unknown number of families in Seya Layak village in Bamyan. A joint assessment conducted by IOM and ANDMA on 7 July and found that 20 jeribs of agricultural land (wheat and potatoes) were destroyed , but no damages to the houses were observed. Therefore, no humanitarian assistance will be provided to the affected village