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Household Emergency Assessment Tool (HEAT) Afghanistan - August 2020



The Household Emergency Assessment Tool (HEAT) is a standardised emergency assessment tool adopted by the Afghanistan Humanitarian Country Team, and includes indicators illustrating demographics and a household’s vulnerability in the following sectors: food security, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), education and livelihoods.

The HEAT is used as part of the ECHO funded Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM), to assess the eligibility of conflict and shock-affected communities to one-time multi-purpose cash and WASH assistance.

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) led consortium includes two other implementing partners, the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) and International Rescue Committee (IRC). The response is also supported by the Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees (DAACAR) for WASH related assistance. This factsheet summarises key indicators from the HEAT assessments carried out by partners in August 2020.


The primary data for this factsheet was collected by partner organisations within the ERM through household interviews within conflict and shock-affected communities. REACH combined and analysed the collected partner HEAT data in order to present key findings in this factsheet for the purpose of informing future ERM programming and advocacy. The findings are representative of the assessed households and are not to be interpreted as statistically generalisable to the whole population.


All data was collected by ERM partners through their own channels, as such there was not one standardised methodology used. While efforts were made to consolidate the data as much as possible, this should be kept in mind whilst reviewing these findings.


Due to the impact of the floods that occurred in August, a short version of the HEAT was deployed to rapidly assess shock-affected households. Data from the short tool are not reported in this factsheet.