Sam Moon and Tim Williamson
Key points
- Publishing better information on aid requires compatibility with recipients' budgeting and planning systems
- Recipient budgets bear many similarities, but this is not reflected in current formats for reporting aid
- The poorest countries will lose out if donors do not publish aid information that is easy to link with recipient government budget systems
This paper sets out and explores the link between donor aid and recipient country budgets, and the role that greater transparency about aid can play in improving budget transparency, the quality of budgetary decisions, and accountability systems.
The paper goes on to explore how current initiatives to improve aid transparency can best support better budgets and accountability in aid dependent countries. These efforts provide an important opportunity to enhance the effectiveness of both the recipient governments' own spending and the aid they receive from donors. Research related to this paper has been funded by the International Budget Partnership and Publish What You Fund, with the aim of informing and influencing the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) - an ongoing process to build an international standard for aid information as a follow on from the resolutions in the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action.