Introduction and Methodology
Following the influx of refugee returnees from Pakistan and Iran in 2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has supported the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s (GoIRA) Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) through a series of solutions aimed at providing durable solutions for returnee and long-term displaced populations in Afghanistan. In line with the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) and Comprehensive Refugees Response Framework (CRRF), 20 locations were identified by UNHCR as Priority Areas of Return and Reintegration (PARRs) where large numbers of refugees returnees are living side by side with Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and host communities. Within these PARRs, UNHCR has been able to link its short and medium-term Community Based Protection (CBP) programmes to longer-term development initiatives.1 UNHCR intends to develop an area-based, humanitarian-development-peace response to support durable solutions and create conducive conditions for the sustainable reintegration of returnees. In order to have an understanding of the impact of these programmes on the PARRs, REACH conducted an evaluation of the programmes in PARRs across four different dimensions: community leadership inclusivity, strengthening public services and equitable access, income generation and economic empowerment, and peacebuilding, and created indices to measure progress over these four key objectives that can be compared against the programme goals.
REACH conducted a mixed-methods assessment using two closed-question tools with separate methodologies to assess each site as follows: A household interview (HHI) level tool that assessed a representative sample of households in each of the 20 PARR locations,2 at 95% confidence level and a 10% margin of error. Results are representative at a global level, and indicative for findings shown for each population group: IDPs, refugees returnees, and host communities. Key informant interviews (KIIs) were also used to assess community leadership from each of the three displacement groups in each of the 20 locations, to provide indicative information on conditions faced by specific displacement groups in each site. Three community leaders per population group per site were interviewed. Between 21 February and 5 March, 2,039 HHIs and 187 KIIs were conducted across all 20 PARR locations. This factsheet shows the results of 98 HHIs and 3 KIIs conducted at Jebrail PARR location.