On 15 October 1999 the Security Council of the United Nations adopted Resolution 1267 demanding that the Taliban hand over Usama bin Laden, without delay to authorities in a country where he has been indicted, failing which restrictive measures, a flight ban and a freeze of funds would be imposed against the Taliban. EU legislation is necessary to implement the relevant decisions of the Security Council as far as the EU territory is concerned on the basis of the Council Common Position (1999/727//CFSP of 15 November 1999). The Commission has adopted on 7 December a proposal for a Council Regulation concerning a flight ban and a freeze of funds which follows closely the provisions of the UNSC Resolution. This includes provisions to the effect that penalties/sanctions for violations of the Regulation can be applied by the competent authorities of the Member States. The EU provides humanitarian assistance, food aid and aid to the uprooted people in Afghanistan. In the eight-year period (1991-1999) an approximate total of euro 388.64 million has been committed for refugee and reintegration assistance, food aid and food security and emergency and relief aid. These activities are implemented by Non-Governmental Organisations and International Organisations and do not benefit the Taliban in a way that would be prohibited under the proposed Regulation.